CBS seizes confidential files of Catherine Herridge pursuing Hunter Biden laptop story – IOTW Report

CBS seizes confidential files of Catherine Herridge pursuing Hunter Biden laptop story

“The Post reached out to Fox, which sources said is paying for Herridge’s legal counsel, for comment on the concerns raised in the seizure.”

NY Post: The acclaimed CBS reporter who was investigating the Hunter Biden laptop scandal before she was fired last week had her personal files seized by the network in an “unprecedented” move, sources told The Post on Thursday.

Catherine Herridge — who is the middle of a First Amendment case being closely watched by journalists nationwide — was among 20 CBS News staffers let go as part of a larger purge of hundreds of employees at parent company Paramount Global.

Her firing had stunned co-workers, but the network’s decision to hold on to her personal materials, along with her work laptop where she may have other confidential info, has left many staffers shaken, according to insiders. more here

8 Comments on CBS seizes confidential files of Catherine Herridge pursuing Hunter Biden laptop story

  1. I was surprised when she went to work for CBS.
    No real investigative journalist should be involved with the mainstream media outlets and this is a good reason why. They have all been corrupted by money and politics.


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