CDC Director Nomination Withdrawn – IOTW Report

CDC Director Nomination Withdrawn


The White House withdrew the nomination of former Florida congressman Dr. David Weldon to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because he wasn’t assured of getting enough Republican support to be confirmed.

The Republican-controlled Senate health committee announced Thursday morning that it was canceling a planned hearing on Weldon’s nomination — less than an hour before it was scheduled to begin. More

5 Comments on CDC Director Nomination Withdrawn

  1. Just another example of life or death decisions, recommendations and promotion of things that are detrimental to the country and it’s citizens based upon profit, self-enrichment and / or agenda driven ideaology. Why else would politicians support a vaccine that is clearly toxic, promote the invasion of the country by millions 0f illegals, bankrupt the country by sending money to entities for things that benefit no one but the recipient of ill spent taxpayer money and politicians in the form of “donations”, fund countries / organizations / individuals who clearly hate America and work against it, promote war and send young men across the globe to die in support of causes detrimental to the interests of our country? If it’s harmful to American citizens and America’s success just who is benefitting from such policy (rhetorical of course)? Why be concerned with truth, morality, right and wrong, patriotism and the things that made this country great when the temptations of power, wealth, self-agrandisement and ego are so very strong while the values and morals of our “leaders” are so very weak? Fed up yet?


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