CDC releases guide to having sex while infected with Monkeypox – IOTW Report

CDC releases guide to having sex while infected with Monkeypox

35 Comments on CDC releases guide to having sex while infected with Monkeypox

  1. Ummm…CDC, why aren’t you being inclusive?
    Why are you showing sex between male/female, when it’s primarily spread through the gay community.
    Shouldn’t you be showing the gay dudes how to reduce their chances of spread (pardon any pun).

  2. The CDC advised travelers to avoid contact with dead or live wild animals, including monkeys and rodents. Travelers should also avoid eating bushmeat (wild game).

    Reading between the lines, the CDC is saying not to screw road-kill. That’s sure to seriously annoy, inconvenience, and frustrate an awful lot of progressive GBLTs.

  3. at the risk of posting too fast as I haven’t posted in a couple of days here we go: @Brad: you would probably look like a monkey trying to fuck a monkey. Also missed important rule for safe sex for this present, past and probably future viruses “do not stick your stick in the backside of any male human or other primates, or probably any other animals just to be safe”

  4. brad, you take shit way out of context. you said “you would probably look like a monkey trying to fuck a football” i said “you would look like a monkey trying to fuck a monkey’ not you in particular, but if you want to try to sound like a badass knock yourself out, it would not cross my mind to think of you having sex with anything much less make me wet.

  5. Wear clothes? May as well get in the shower with your clothes on and save water by doing your laundry at the same time. I think ahead. BTW, what exactly is going on in those pics? I’ve been married for 53 years and sex didn’t look like any of those pics. I’m curious as to what the male and female are doing “wear clothes” pic. Seems awkward.

    @Beachmom: I’m actually LMAO at how stupid the government is in depicting how grownups should be having safe sex, yet they allow trannies, pedophiles, and flaming faggots around children. Whoever came up with their stupid ideas, should be fired.

  6. How long does the pox last, for crying out loud! Are there people out there who, being fairly sick with disgusting (and probably irritating) blisters who can’t forgo sex long enough to get healthy?! Hey, is this a PSA for “sex workers” or something?

  7. Having sex, one way or another, is the most important thing in the world to liberals and assorted pervs. Gotta, gotta have it!

    They think like a 17 year old boy who pleasures himself while looking at pictures of naked women. Most guys remember what that’s like…I certainly do.

    The sex thing is a monkey (speaking of monkeys) on your back till you get older, slower, and wiser.

  8. WTF…why do they use images of heterosexual partners? Monkeypox is primarily a HOMOSEXUAL transmitted issue. Those fuckers are into ass fucking each other, remember??? They would rub up on a dead roadkill if it pleasured them.

  9. Boy you guys just love talking bout focking the monkey, then doing your boy friend, then coming home to your wife. The perfect tri-fecta. Sounds gay all day long.

  10. Heatsync,
    My thought exactly.
    Dear CDC. Let me make it SOOOO simple for you, it would use only a half sheet of paper.

    “Guide To Having Sex While Infected With Monkeypox.
    The End.”

  11. Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg you cheating little bitch……….HOW COULD YOU????
    That’s IT!
    I’m taking the twins and going home to mother.
    “You can kiss my ass goodbye”.

  12. My roommate at Penn State claimed she dated a guy who could shoot the choked chicken juice a distance of six feet away. She kept his Farrah Fawcett poster to prove it.

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