CDC Wants Its “Public Health Authority” Back – IOTW Report

CDC Wants Its “Public Health Authority” Back

Fox News

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is asking the Department of Justice to proceed with its appeal of a ruling issued by a Florida judge on Monday which tossed out the Biden administration’s mask mandate for public transportation passengers. More

18 Comments on CDC Wants Its “Public Health Authority” Back

  1. Well, they don’t have an enforcement authority so they can kiss the left side of my right cheek. That why Newsom extended the mandate for schools. No one is complying. And they wont.
    Mean while California Law makers passed AB2223 yesterday giving parents the right to kill their babies 28 days after they’re born. All in the name of womens rights. You can’t make this shit up.

  2. Our institutions are failed. The edifices stand in their rotten glory with tattered moldy pennants weakly moving in the sodden breeze. They shout proclamations of law through brazen megaphones at a people done, done and done again by the law of the day. The people aren’t listening much anymore to the tinny bleating emanating from the malformed, cheaply made but for all that, brazen megaphones.

  3. Lock the doors, barricade the windows, burn the building to the ground, shoot anyone trying to escape the flames, and then sprinkle salt and holy water on the ashes. Then do the NIH and the WHO. I wanna see some God damn consequences over this shit.

  4. While I was fighting lyme disease almost 20 years ago I realized the CDC was worthless and corrupt based on their guidelines for (non)treatment for lyme and their position that chronic lyme disease is psychological.

  5. I can’t think of a single alphabet agency that shouldn’t be either abolished or totally gutted of employees with a fresh start. With only a few people that I can count on one hand, that also applies to Congress as a whole.

    In other words, we need a new government.

  6. Oh and we’re going to be wearing masks again. It’s about power not science and was from the start.

    We could demand that Congress pass legislation in regards to mask wearing but we’d lose that too. The DOJ, Congress, whatever Klaus Schwab wants is what we’ll get.

  7. Heard on the radio this afternoon that on the last day of CNN+, one of their guests was the esteemed dwarf, Fauci, who was perturbed because he thought the CDC’s authoritah should supercede anything the courts had to say about mandates. The unelected retard thinks he is above the law.

  8. No Nuremberg II (equally) fake trials. If you don’t support (not “understand”… not “accept”… “support”) the summary execution of their households (including the hawt au pair), you’re too mentally short for this ride.

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