Celebrate Abortion!! – IOTW Report

Celebrate Abortion!!

14 Comments on Celebrate Abortion!!

  1. NNNOOOOO! I saw the headline and almost immediately ignored it.
    From the male POV, this is so wrong.
    From a male who, afterward, heard that an ex terminated without telling me, This is even more wrong.

    I regret and live with the knowledge of what we did, but it is not a single person involved. I will face my judgment, but I wish I was told and could have been involved with the final action.

    I will accept my punishment.

    Give them the chance to live!!

  2. ethro December 20, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Somewhere in heaven your baby is saying “I forgive you.”

    The baby is too busy enjoying the gifts of heaven to even give two shits about who aborted him/her. Perhaps the child is rejoicing in their good fortune of being in paradise instead of this wretched world. None of us gave our permission to be here, to be honest, I’m looking forward to heaven myself, I believe.

  3. I understand your sentiment Golden Fox, though I’m not sure it’s accurate or good to give others the idea that it’s great for a baby to be aborted. Also your child isn’t the judge you will see when it’s your turn.

  4. My first child was aborted by it’s mother in San Francisco in 1973 without my knowledge. I found out years later although she has never admitted it. Her life has been a total train wreck ever since. I know that someday, I will meet my child in heaven and share eternity with them. Satan will deal with the mother as she has never repented.

  5. grool, I agree that God cannot forgive someone who won’t repent of their sins. If they do not repent (turn away from their sin) and place their life in God’s hands, he will not forgive them. Only the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice can pay for our sins. If the person does not accept that offer to save them from the debt they owe for their sins, nothing they can do will be able to pay that debt.

    However, we are commanded to forgive others as God forgave us (if we have accepted his forgiveness). Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” If you have already accepted Christ as your savior, your sins are forgiven. What God will not allow is his presence with you when you knowingly do not forgive others. You lose your fellowship with God, but not your salvation.

    Our forgiving others does not take them off the hook for whatever they did; it is only for our good that we are to forgive. Forgiveness is taking the person who did something to you off of the ‘hook’ in your life and placing them on God’s ‘hook’. You let God’s love for you to become free from the hurt they caused and let God deal with them. Some hurts take time and continual forgiving to finally become free, but you will succeed with God’s help.

    I recently did this when I became aware that I needed to forgive someone from my past. When I did, I experienced a freedom I never felt before. It changed a few things in my life that I had been dealing with unsuccessfully. So, I wanted to share what I learned.


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