Celebrating Cop Killing – IOTW Report

Celebrating Cop Killing

18 Comments on Celebrating Cop Killing

  1. I know just how they feel. I always want to break out the champagne and dance and sing whenever people are murdered in cold blood. NOT!!! What is wrong with these people? Some of them seem seriously demented.

  2. Why shouldn’t they celebrate?
    There’s a war going on, and they just had a small victory.
    They don’t GAF about the 2 dead negroes (if they had been white or mexican, we’d’a never heard about em), they’re just happy that 5 cops got killed.
    5 for 2: Not a bad start for their “Electoral Season of Discontent.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. But nobody believes Trump when he said the ragheads were celebrating in Jersey when the first tower fell?

    There doesn’t have to be film for me to know that it was true.

    Screw them all.

  4. One of the headlines on Drudge right now is, Obama grins as nation mourns. That pretty much says it all about the m’fer in chief. I despise the bastard and all he wants to do is to continue to call for gun control. The biggest reason that Trump will be the next President is that Americans are pissed and they’re fed up with this shit.

  5. The “protestors” in this video are lower life forms with vestigial brains and can only communicate with monosyllabic word-like utterances and gestures. All approved by the cop-hater-in-chief.

  6. Cfm990,
    Hey, if your going to try it go big. A Barret 50 cal would be the way to go. Of course you would need to create another Go Fund me account for the Ammo, but it’s worth a shot

  7. It’s whut I call (inhale) the world’s largest collection of dumbed-down, worthless, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, barely aware, bastard-ass, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, uninformed, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites who refuse to buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that don´t rhyme.

  8. When I lived in inner city Baltimore, these type of people were the norm. They are probably the norm for Afrikan Amerikans in general. There is a bell shaped curve and these folks (negroes) are at the far left.

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