Celebrity Deformities You Never Knew They Had – IOTW Report

Celebrity Deformities You Never Knew They Had


23 Comments on Celebrity Deformities You Never Knew They Had

  1. Much like Bull Sharks, Sasquatch are born with a full set of menacing teeth, and often ingest each other while still in utero.

    Snapped up by the more aggressive sibling, and snarfed, just like he was a 7/11 microwave burrito. True story.

  2. Man, that ass musta been a real show-stopper when it came to sliding down banesters as a kid! Now wonder he’s got no nutz… he had to go front side down all the time!

  3. Barach Hussein Obama is Micheal ‘Mooch’ Obama’s co-joined at the head fraternal twin sister who was separated from him at birth leaving an ugly scar on each of them that eventually healed and became their brains!

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