Cenk Rogan – IOTW Report

Cenk Rogan

Rogan is on the ropes for using the “n-word.”

Depends on who says it, I guess—–>

10 Comments on Cenk Rogan

  1. Never buckle under. Never give in. They will wave away anything someone on ‘their’ side does, while attempting to destroy you for far less. Their only goal is to destroy you.
    South Park recognized this in their Cartoon Wars double episode, more than 10 years ago. Which guess what – there are 5 episodes which they refuse to show now (4 are still available on DVD), and all 5 are because they have Muhammed in them. But they are more than Muhammed, they are about Freedom of Speech. The Cartoon Wars episodes were made because in the previous season they made the Trapped In the Closet episode in which they bashed Scientology and suggested that Tom Cruise is gay. Out of the attempt to keep that single episode off the air, Matt and Trey realized that if a single episode can be removed then the entire show will be destroyed, one complaint at a time. It is a universal truth – and now it is being applied to Rogan, and to anyone who questions the powerful.

  2. Wait what?!… there’s something wrong with “CRACKER”???


  3. You wanna’ end the use of that word?

    Change it’s meaning to “A student”. You know, like “proud parent of a Nigga’ at Chubseas Elementary”

    “What up muh nigga’?”
    “Nah…I only got B’s this semester.”

    It would end it’s use in rap songs.
    “Pickin’ up muh gat, lookin’ for dat….um…fellow I saw on the street…..corner.”

    Klan meetings: “We hate Jews, Catholics and especially….those…guys who dance really ….good.”

    I for one would be proud to hear my kid come home shouting “PAPA!PAPA! I GOT ALL A’s I’M A NIGGER!!!”

  4. He is far left democrat. Nothing would happen to him.
    Also an apologist for erdogan, and a life long denier of the Armenian Genocide, suddenly acknowledged it when he wanted to run for congress in California, in a district that had a lot of Armenians in it.
    Also is on record spewing anti-semitic rhetoric.
    Still nothing happened to him.


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