Cenk Science – IOTW Report

Cenk Science

The Fred Flinstone of punditry tells Patrick Bet-David the reason 20% of high school kids identify as gay is because it’s acceptable now and in the past the number was the same but kids were afraid to come out.


Dumpy doesn’t think it’s social contagion. Meanwhile, 20% of kids will jump on any fad. Tattoos, male earrings, pot, weightlifting and steroids were the social contagion of my high school. And you could see the lemmings lining up to try and fit in.

For the girls it was rabbit fur coats, ankle bracelets, tube tops and mood rings.

Of course this isn’t as radical as top surgeries and hormones, but every generation gets more radical until it resets.

23 Comments on Cenk Science

  1. If you can believe their numbers, which I don’t, it’s that high because now days they have not only made it social excepted to get poked in the poop chute they’ve made it Socially Preferred. All the cool kids have bleeding rectums. Rectum, damn near killed him. So if you have 20 percent of the student body that are not getting the acceptance they desire, what are they going to do? Raises hand, Ima fag.

  2. Fred Flinstone is good, but I see some Harvey Weinstein features as well, certainly a Cro Magnon vibe.

    “The culture gives them permission to be gay”

    Wrong, the culture gives them status, status they could not earn from their own devices, turning mediocrity into something they deem as special.

  3. And when everybody is a fag they won’t be special anymore… so what will the next stupid idea be?

    I remember when all of the suburban fucksticks were getting tattoos and shitty motorbikes, and they were all bald slobs with goatees. A whole generation of fat, bald, goateed, tattooed toddlers.

  4. I remember when it was almost unheard of for a HS girl to have sex. If they did it they sure didn’t talk about it, even to their best friends. Then I remember when it became the in thing to get birth control and have sex with as many guys as possible. Then when my daughter started HS, it was the in thing for girls to be pregnant, everyone oohed and ahhed over them. That’s also about the time I started seeing lesbians in school, by the time she graduated, being pregnant was no longer as popular, but being a lesbian was.
    Then when my youngest started HS, lesbians were still around, but didn’t get the attention they once got and being a vegan, getting tattoos, facial piercings and popping pills was the in thing to do.

    Kids do what gets them attention. Out of the twenty or so girls I know who went around having lesbian girlfriends, only 2 aren’t married with kids today. Those two are still lesbians, one of them went the full dike mode, hair shaved, tattoos everywhere, billfold with a chain. She’s been in and out of jail or locked in mental facilities most of her adult life. The other one who went the dike mode in school, is the girl in the relationship now, when she’s in one. She has tried many different professions, from working in a salon to a nurse to a 911 operator to a cop. She’s never happy in anything for long, so spends most of her time being a bum.

    The point though is it was all about attention and doing what the other kids were doing. The tattoos they can never change, but thankfully for them most of the rest of it they could change, cutting off your breasts and having a fake penis sewed on or cutting off your penis and having a fake vagina made on you along with the hormones they can’t come back from.

  5. To quote/paraphrase George Carlin, “The earrings were meant to piss off the squares. The squares are wearing them now….it doesn’t mean anything…”

    Sure, the subject matter was earrings, but the meaning is the same. It was one thing when it was about clothes, music, jewelry, hairstyles and what have you….ya know frivolous stuff. Now it’s about literal, life changing decisions. Those pushing this tack deserve nothing less than the most inhumane punishments imaginable.

    Hell, we might as well invent a few while we’re at it. 🤔

  6. I’ve always felt homosexuality was nature installing a “species propagation kill switch” in an individual right before birth that didn’t pass inspection.
    Allows the life to proceed without affecting the gene pool.

    More homos means something is wrong with evolution since we introduced all these chemicals, vaxs, and plastics into our society.

  7. Schools are teaching it’s despicable to be white and masculine.
    They push being gay makes you special and deserving of special attention.
    So it’s the fad now.
    That’s the kind of thing Satan likes to convince kids of.

    Chunky is dumb as a box of rocks so…..

  8. Old Racist White Woman AT 6:33 PM^^^ There was one girl in my HS (3k students) that put out. I felt sorry for her because she just wanted somebody to love her. She was cute and had a nice figure and didn’t need to cave to the creeps who took advantage of her. The “popular” girls shunned her.

  9. Homosexuality is an abomination and blasphemy to God. If it’s 20%, then that’s how many God gave them over to their desires. Too bad they don’t teach biblical history in high school. Focusing especially on Sodom and Gomorrah, Pompeii, and the Fall of Rome. Faggotry was totally acceptable during those times and look what happened. No different back then then it is today.

  10. In the 1970s, all of the girls were either anorexic or bulemic. In the 1990s, they were all into cutting themselves or driving each other to commit suicide. In the 2020s, they all think they’re trapped in the wrong body. It’s a social contagion. God only knows what the next mental health fad will be.

  11. Old Racist White Woman

    You would not BELIEVE the shit I hear from a couple young woman at the gym. Apparently they’ve adopted me as their father time adviser. I’m pretty sure my face has turned bright red on multiple occasions. I actually feel sorry for them. Any young woman trying to find a traditional man to settle down with and raise babies has her work cut out for her.

  12. Brad, at my gym many of the ladies put on 3 coats of paint, paper-thin spandex and do a whole lot of stretching in the front calisthenics area.
    The others are busy making their asses as large as possible between perusing their phones for 5 minutes between sets, all the while hogging the squat rack.

    When I was younger I would welcome women to the gym.
    Now I’m like, please go back to the women-only gym.

  13. Loco

    What is it with women and the squat rack lately? Years past they wouldn’t go near one, now you can’t keep them off them. Leg days I need to get there at 6:00 am or Burtha Butt going to be hogging if for an hour and Burtha Butt 2 is in line next. They squat and do those hip thrusters, and eventually leave with out touching another piece of equipment. Weird.


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