“Censored and Controlled” 1 – IOTW Report

“Censored and Controlled” 1

On March 9, 2023 journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before the U.S. Congress. That hearing set off a political divide in the nation was cut deeply along political lines. However, in the end, Elon Musk unleased what is known as “The Twitter Files” and suddenly Americans realized that their connotational right of Free Speech was being ripped from the fabric of Republic.

5 Comments on “Censored and Controlled” 1

  1. It’s right, and the public keeps going back to socal media and feeds it their data to the goverment filter folks. Keep going down the same road to end up at the same place over and over.

  2. “Keep going down the same road to end up at the same place over and over.”

    I believe it’s called “insanity” these days. We’re creatures of habit and ignorance. Some pay dearly for that.

  3. The left has been insane since the Enlightenment and before that even in the Western world when they thought that they could be like God. Tyranny always leads to death and destruction, just look what happened to the French and the Russians as well as the Germans under Nazi rule when they abandoned all belief in God. And now we insanely want to do the same. I want no part of it, but I fear for my children and especially my grandchildren who may not have a chance to live freely like we did in this country when I was born in the early 50’s.


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