Central American illegals wearing out their welcome in several Mexican towns – IOTW Report

Central American illegals wearing out their welcome in several Mexican towns

AT: Several towns in Mexico where Central American migrants have been congregating are showing the strains of taking care of the mass of humanity.

In many cases, the Mexican citizens are as poor and as desperate as the migrants. That hasn’t stopped them from demanding money, food, and medicine as the Mexican government struggles to deal with the crisis.


Hundreds of migrants have been camped out for weeks in Mapastepec, where locals say six migrant caravans have arrived since last Easter. By far the biggest was a group of thousands in October that drew the anger of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Ana Gabriela Galvan, a local resident who helped to provide food to migrants in the October caravan, told Reuters the small town in the impoverished state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, felt overwhelmed by the number of Central Americans.

“It’s really bad, because they’re pouring onto our land,” she said, noting that some locals were reluctant to leave their homes. “They ask for money, and if you offer food, they don’t want it; they want money and sometimes you don’t have any.”

Trump’s threat to close the border last month has stirred the Mexican government to action. They are detaining more migrants and limiting the number if humanitarian visas given out. These visas allow the migrant to stay in Mexico and get a job.

But it brings little comfort to many Mexicans living in towns that have been inundated with migrants.  more here

8 Comments on Central American illegals wearing out their welcome in several Mexican towns

  1. Maybe they should have stopped them before they got into Mexico in the first place?

    But, as a favor to Mexico if nothing else, I’m sure we will end up taking the majority of them in and providing them a place here.

  2. I guess all the talk about how tough Mexican immigration laws are was only just talk…unless you are a HATED gringo from america with no money, then its jail time for the gringo but if you are a poor POC from south of mexico then its free rice & beans for you until you turn your overfed nose up at it and call it food only worthy of pigs.

    Then you get free housing, a grubbermint job that locals NEVER get, and vouchers to tide you over for everything else until your pay checks kick in.

    Seems to me that anyone with a great tan can now claim benefits that normals NEVER get a chance at and is great incentive to keep up with your spray-on-tan treatments when talking with grubbermint ofishals handing out freebies to foreigners.

  3. “It’s really bad, because they’re pouring onto our land,” she said, noting that some locals were reluctant to leave their homes. “They ask for money, and if you offer food, they don’t want it; they want money and sometimes you don’t have any.”

    If an American had said this the libidiots would be acting shocked! Shocked I tell you! That anyone should be so heartless and cruel. And that anyone would even think of denying the rich libs of landscapers and painters! Sooo mean!

  4. So the longer they stay, the more ‘racist’ their bronzed brethren hosts become, eh?
    Verrry interesssting…
    One remembers that old saying “Houseguests, like fish, start to smell after a few days.”


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