CEO claims he was drunk when he threatened to kill Trump – IOTW Report

CEO claims he was drunk when he threatened to kill Trump

Breitbart CA: Former PacketSled CEO Matt Harrigan is blaming being drunk for posting a death threat against President-elect Donald Trump on Election Day last week.

Harriman has apologized for the post, and has temporarily moved his family. He has also faced an interview with the United States Secret Service.

Harrigan told San Diego ABC News affiliate 10 News on Tuesday that he feels “stupid” over comments he now says were posted while he was drunk on Election Night. The comments led the U.S. Secret Service to interview him for two hours at his Del Mar, California home.

The night of the November 8, 2016 presidential election, Harrigan posted several threatening messages to his personal Facebook page: “I’m going to kill the president. Elect.” and “Bring it secret service.”  read more

29 Comments on CEO claims he was drunk when he threatened to kill Trump

  1. How was your colonoscopy douche? Pretty sure this one will leave a permanent mark as these type tend to last longer than you think. But I am sure your wife and kids are so proud of you for standing up for what you believe to be right…I mean left!

  2. “Harriman has apologized for the post, and has temporarily moved his family.”

    Why move the family? It’s the leftists who hunt people down at home and harass them. And I seriously doubt the MSM is hanging around in th driveway; They’d rather this little incident just go away. But I guess Tommy Boy has to build his narrative of oppression.

  3. Obviously this man has a drinking problem and when he drinks he is dangerous and a threat to national security. He should be required to attend alcohol counseling with followup supervision.

  4. His lesson learned was you can’t make this kind of joke. How about decent human beings don’t threaten any other person’s life, ever, under any circumstances?! I can’t imagine the deranged mind that would say something like this publicly in ‘jest’ and continue to double down when people recoil and show their disgust.

    This guy must be the irredeemable American HRC talked about and they all happen to be in the Dem camp.

  5. I’ve had my share of over indulgence and don’t believe I ever told my friends I was going to kill someone with my hunting rifle. Much less send out an email threatening to kill the president.

    He’s obviously got mental problems.

  6. So he claiming that he is not guilty because he chose to become a drunk! He freely and purposely took a mind altering chemical into his body and now is blaming the mind altering chemical for all the idiocy it caused. Man, you can’t make this stuff up!!

  7. What a stupid shit! Hey dummy – get into rehab, AA, something, and straighten yourself out. You then might get a job as a garbage man somewhere where they don’t get current news reports. You deserve getting the ax for being a drunken moron!

  8. I followed this early and tweeted his threats to multiple people including the FBI, secret service and etc. and watched him delete multiple tweets. His first excuse was that he was Hacked, what a butt-fucking liar

  9. He wasn’t drunk. Read his postings, no grammer/spelling erros and they were concise and brought his point across in a methodical and clearly understandable manner. He’s just trying for the sympathy vote and should be denied. People need to remember that if he had been a conservative with similar comments about Obama the left would now be doubling down on its efforts to destroy him.

  10. I love the list of excuses these ass-wipes are giving for backing off their threats in the event of a Trump presidency: “I was drunk.” “I was only kidding.” “Everyone in my office is like, ‘You have a responsibility, you have a voice and you need to use it, and you have to be here,’” The truth is, they left our country a long time ago. The fact that their bodies are still here is just a technicality.

  11. Everyone read that WHOOPI “AIN’T GOIN NOWHERE!”? See how that works? These lame brained liberals throw out this shit like the drama queens they are, then when the rubber meets the road, they suddenly have a flat tire and get belligerent for being called out on their stupid comments. Whoopi go away, you are past irrelevant anymore. YOU do not even signify. Besides that, you looked like a front-end loader on a Caterpillar in that movie color purple.

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