Chaffetz: FBI Tried To Recover 27 Clinton Emails From Congress – IOTW Report

Chaffetz: FBI Tried To Recover 27 Clinton Emails From Congress

“That’s the way a banana republic acts,” Chaffetz said. “That’s not the way the United States of America acts.”

DailyCaller: FBI officials have asked House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (HOGR) members to return 27 emails they gave the committee in a document dump from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s investigative file.

The FBI asked HOGR Chairman and Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ committee to return the emails after including them in an Aug. 17 document dump that was supposed to be identical to an Aug. 16 document — but wasn’t, according to Chaffetz.


20 Comments on Chaffetz: FBI Tried To Recover 27 Clinton Emails From Congress

  1. “Chaffetz issued a subpoena for the entire FBI file in the middle of the hearing.”


    The whole bunch of them is rotten to the fucking core. Comey and his brother are scum sucking POSs. I can’t believe that unless Trump is willing to prosecute about 15-20 of these high level bureaucrats, that anything will ever change. I mean Cantor, Kosigen, Johnson, Lerner, Jenny McCarthy, Gorlick, Clinton…if they saw their fellow assfaces being lead off to prison, they’d roll on each other faster then you’d believe possible.

    I read some where that assassinating about 100 people, both in and out of government, would pretty much stop this crap for good. I’ll settle for the above named doing long stretches.

    Until I see seriousness, this subpoena shit is theatre.

    It’s incestuous-they’ve all got their cocks in each other, banging away.

  2. I can only imagine the damaging evidence in those 27 emails, there’s a reason why they weren’t included at first. They probably contain insight about Hellery’s varicose veins and her preferred green room scotch.

  3. “That’s the way a banana republic acts,” Chaffetz said.

    That’s right Jason, and the RINOs’are as much to blame as the democrats. Two majorities and not a Fing thing has changed. Maybe a swift boot in the ass from Trump and the American People will finally be the wake-up needed, but for some reason I have my doubts.

  4. I personally love when the Republicans get all serious and then say, “This is unacceptable. We’re sending a letter to….”
    You’re sending a FRIGGIN’ LETTER?!?! This is pathetic. Send the damn law enforcement to pick them up and throw them in jail. Yeah, it’s unacceptable, but you keep accepting it!

  5. Corrupt. Up, down, sideways, right and left. Talk of ‘smoking guns’ — from the gang who couldn’t shoot straight. Junior Senators, Senior Statesmen, committee appointments, tit for tat, scratch my back, “it’s not who we are.” Word vomit.

  6. Congress cannot have people arrested. They have no legal ability. Besides, with Democrats are in charge, we would see almost everyone who opposes bigger government in jail by their hands. Look at what the IRS has done to Tea Party types but ad jail to it.

  7. Rep Gerry Connolly (D-VA) , nasty churl that he is, just happened to “mention” during his line of questioning/SHOWBOATING that James Comey, who USED to be a republican……

    Jig is up – Comey publicly sold his soul, no need for pretenses that he’s a “non-partison” unbiased, principled Republican. The bitch is we’re stuck with this arrogant power hungry bastard until 2024. He cannot be removed by a new president.

    Today’s House Oversight & Govt Reform Committee hearing is yet another dog & pony show. Subpoenas issued to Bryan Pagliano, Bill Thornton and Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks, and Justin Cooper who set up Bill’s server.

    Pagliano didn’t even show. Thornton & Combetta took the 5th until they were finally dismissed, and Cooper (who has the least knowledge) remains and is being questioned.

    Chaffetz LET IT BE KNOWN, upon adjournment, the committee will decide how to proceed in pursuing/punishment for Pagliano ignoring congress’ subpoena.

    Pagliano, Cheryl Mills and Huma are in Chappaqua, splayed out on Hillary’s overstuffed sofa, sipping Moet & Chandon Dom Pérignon 1961, having a good laugh watching this unfold.

  8. Any FBI director reports directly to the Attorney General, and can be removed by the Prezzy. Comey has already indicated he knows when Trump wins, he will step down, or better phrased, be fired. Same for Loretta Lynch. They will have their boxes packed and be moved out before the January swearing in, we hope.

  9. Call Comey to testify as to why there is a difference and why the 27 mails need to be returned. If he refuses to answer or is evasive charge him with contempt. Take it to the upper chamber for approval then I think he has a chance to testify there. They can either dismiss or order him jailed until he complies with the congressional committee. The problem of course is that most of congress refuses to take a principled stand as they are afraid of the media and how they would twist the story. I wonder what would actually happen if a number of congress critters and senators took a stand and just told the media to screw off and bought air time to explain why this needed to be done. If the networks refused to sell then sue them.

  10. scr- Obama will just issue an Executive Privilege and demand the return of the emails under penalty of SCOTUS something or another.
    BTW, we’re not a Banana Republic, we’re a Watermelon Dictatorship.

  11. rince prius sent me a fund raising letter today. It had a dollar bill in it. I took the dollar bill and the rest went into the trash, unread. I guess the words, the rnc is dead to me are too difficult for them to comprehend. What little I am able to spare goes directly to Trump.

  12. My God, did anyone Louie Gorment last night on C-SPAN? His whole speech was about Comey and the Clinton foundation connection. And his brothers involvement. Holy chit this whole damn government is a cesspool.
    The sad part of it is, not one person on today’s news has talked about it, not on here, not over to weasel zippers, am I the only person that heard Louie? Oh my God

  13. V Dire, I stand corrected. I read an article over the weekend (can’t recall website) that stated the opposite, which surprised me.
    I’ll sleep better tonight.

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