Chair Force One – IOTW Report

Chair Force One

18 Comments on Chair Force One

  1. Antidote
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 5:55 PM
    “The fool walks like his pants are full of caca, no?”

    “Who shit my pants?”
    -Joe Biden

    (Ht whichever iOTW commentator said it first, wasn’t me…)

  2. He still has to get to the chair without incident and it appeared he did know where he was going, what he was doing and he was being closely handled to the stairs. Truly pathetic.

  3. Anonymous March 19, 2021 at 6:11 pm –
    “…What happens when there’s no wind or solar to power the chair?…”

    I think a rubber band sling shot would serve as a good propellant to get him where he needs to be.

  4. Now comes the strategery of yelling “squirrel” when he tries to climb again. Fan dance? Secret Service order all to turn off recording devices? Or, given Biden’s history, have a black man tap dance (h/t Don Rickles)

  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine – Mike the Pillow guy is making SLIPPERS now…

    Yep…getting two pairs for Mary Hatch and me… :>)

    And Fallin’ Joe might want some too…for those rough stairs…


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