Chances Are, We Are Alone In the Universe – IOTW Report

Chances Are, We Are Alone In the Universe

A little-noticed paper published in June by three eminent thinkers came to the conclusion that chances are better than average that there is no other intelligent life in our galaxy and they’re reasonably certain (39 to 85 percent) that we’re the only life form in the whole universe that is smart enough to contemplate such matters.

While it would seem like good news to those fearing interplanetary invasion, it must be a disappointment to others expecting to feed Reese’s pieces to some friendly visitor or even make out, Captain Kirk style, with a green alien babe. More

So, where are all the UFOs coming from and who’s doing all that anal probing?

34 Comments on Chances Are, We Are Alone In the Universe

  1. Wow What brilliant Scientist’s, they were able to narrow their delicate study down to 53 to 96 % probability. Just how did they come to this narrow minded conclusion ?
    These are Self Limited thinkers, we think of them as these Amazing People, but their Intelligence keeps them firmly away from Reality. They Live in Boxes with no Ladders.

  2. I tend to agree with the 3 weirdos. I think of us as the “forerunners”. Once we (actual Americans) say “screw you world! Your on your own!”, and we start exploring the unknown… manifest destiny and all.
    Fast foreword a million or two and due to adaptation, we now have 100 different types of bipedal aliens who have changed due to their environments. Next thing you know we are sitting at a bar, minding your own business some old bastard bumps into you cuts off your arm with a flashlight sword.

  3. As screwed up as the world is, maybe if there is something else out there, they may be worse off than we are. However, I don’t see any alien beating feet to come here. No space ship has landed on this planet in my lifetime. I’m pretty sure if they did, the liberals would try to take them under their control and use them as slaves.

  4. Jack, urine trouble for making the first Uranus reference. “Just the facts Ma’am, did your husband mention he was having problems that could be caused by hearing strange voices (from Uranians of course) that caused him to be all discombobulated like this and cause him to go over the deep end into a life of senseless crime.” So sorry, I should’ve said Joe Friday urine trouble.

  5. @Anonymous 7:55 p.m. – When God created Man, how do we mortals know He didn’t create Man on more than one world? And though God created Man in His own image, cannot God assume whatever image pleases Him? Cannot there be other versions of Man, in other images of God, on other worlds?

  6. “So, where are all the UFOs coming from and who’s doing all that anal probing?”

    This right here is the excellence in incisive thinking and writing that keeps me enamored of this site! Where else do the contributors slough off the fluff and get right down to cases?

    ETA: Forgot to say. The message board left on Callisto (a moon of Jupiter) isn’t from an alien society. It’s from our ancestors right at eleven million years ago.

  7. Of course, they used the leftist scientific method the ‘flip of a coin’! Heads there is intelligent life in the universe tails there is no intelligent life in the universe! But in their defense, they were intelligent enough to flip the coin and know whether it was heads or tails!

  8. If we are all that’s left, well judging from America alone, we are fucked, and I, at my age, don’t give a fuck. All these new genders coming up, and put on our Drivers Licenses? A governor of the Empire State say’s “America was really never great,” A sodomite President of Ireland, Same sex marriage approved in Ireland, Abortion approved in Ireland. John Brennan ex CIA traitor and California Eegit Governor, Moon beam Brown being inducted into the “Irish America” Hall of Fame. “Irish America” is a glossy left wing POS magazine with about 300,000 circulation in America and Canada.
    Here is an example of “Irish America” So called Irish Americans:
    “Taoiseach (president) Meets with Trump in Oval Office. 3/17/18
    here’s some comments:
    “Please. NO, do not let him come to Ireland. Surely he’ll ruin it like he’s ruining America.” Kathleen Acker.
    “As an Irish American, I am appalled that so many Irish Americans find Trump appealing.” John Begley
    This is not my Ireland.
    These people In “Irish America” are effete snobs.

  9. Lazlo a point.
    We are probably the first in the Galaxy due to the mere 14 Billion years this universe has been steaming along. We have the location thing going for us. Location is the mother of biology.
    However there are several dimensions that could very well be full of beings similar to ourselves, only existing at another phase of matter, unable to be discerned by our measurements.
    I am thinking of the Philadelphia Experiment, where we tried to change the unit charge of electrons in a battle ship with disastrous results.
    Andre Norton wrote several great SF books on dimensional travel.
    So nobody out there, but ‘over there’ may be a different story entirely.

  10. Considering the trillions of galaxies in our universe, each with hundreds of billions of stars, the chances there are NOT other intelligences in the universe is statistically zero. Only one chance in (6 with 23 zeroes behind it) is absurd. If something is possible, it’s mandatory.

  11. The Holy Bible has some words on the matter;
    “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear”. Hebrew 11:3 KJV
    Even if you’re dealing with just the Milky Way there are “worlds” that probably support life forms.
    Also, note the deeper meaning. God created the seen with the unseen – wrap you head and heart around that.

  12. please read the source article before posting suppositions

    Mr. Smith lays out a very good argument for the improbability of the evolution of ‘intelligent life’ throughout the cosmos & lists the factors needed to create such life.
    he closes w/ “… the possible environments and biological opportunities in this apposite cosmos are so vast, varied and uncooperative (or hostile), either always or at some time during the roughly 3-to-4 billion years intelligent life requires to emerge, that it is unlikely for intelligence to form, thrive and survive easily…. Even if we are not unique in the universe—though we may not know one way or the other for eons—we are fortunate.”

    … food for thought

  13. I don’t know what we were a long, long time ago, but-
    We became geocentric
    Then we became heliocentric
    Now we are becoming homocentric.
    And to my way of thinking, that is wrong.

  14. “Most Christians I’ve met have one of two opinions about Genesis 1. It is either the exact way the universe was created 6,000 years ago, in seven days, (may the Inquisition take those heretics who doubt it!) or it is an old Israeli story of minimal importance compared to the main event in the New Testament.”

    Or grasped the concept from physics that time is just a dimension, an axis of motion that we can’t trivially manipulate… And have read the Book of Job, and concluded that it’s “part of Creation” and per the book of Job, “God is not subject to His creation”… And stopped worrying about it.

  15. If there is even a 98% chance of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, it makes no difference to me. The likelihood of it being discovered in my lifetime is virtually zero.

  16. So if there is life somewhere else in the universe, did they stay true to God and do not have original sin? If that, then Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection would have no bearing on them. Right? Then, without original sin, they would be living an utopian life, because there is perfection without sin. Hmmm.

    Why the heck would they want to travel here and do anal checks?

    If they did commit sin, did Christ have to die and resurrect again there?

  17. Sort of like the atoms which make up one of the molecules that makes up an e-coli drifting through the entrails of some infinitely obscure beast (due simply to the size difference) pontificating on the probabilities of other intelligent (?) atoms in other molecules in other e-coli somewhere in that enormous (virtually infinite) beast.

    Joey Biden.
    That’s the penultimate intelligence in the United States, if not the world.

    Try finding intelligent life here, before speculating on intelligent life, elsewhere.

    izlamo delenda est …

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