Changes In How One Drives May Indicate Onset Of Alzheimer’s – IOTW Report

Changes In How One Drives May Indicate Onset Of Alzheimer’s


The study, which was published on June 14 in the journal Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, used a GPS device to track the driving habits of 139 participants over the age of 65. About half of the participants—64, to be precise—had very early or “preclinical” Alzheimer’s, while the other 75 participants did not. The differences that the GPS picked up on between the two groups showed that a couple of distinct habits could be early indicators of Alzheimer’s: driving more slowly and making more abrupt changes while on the road. More

19 Comments on Changes In How One Drives May Indicate Onset Of Alzheimer’s

  1. I appreciate the clinical analysis of the driving problem. Frequently, I start off driving to the store, and then end up in Las Vegas at a strip club. I’m glad I can shrug this off as an early onset of Alzheimer’s.

  2. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    JULY 15, 2021 AT 6:04 PM
    “Frequently, I start off driving to the store, and then end up in Las Vegas at a strip club.”

    …lucky you. You have to be young to go to such places and look at the dancers with more hope than regret…

  3. Geoff, A Wrangler is usually the cause of door dings. I drive one too and am careful not to let the door swing wide when exiting, but passengers not used to it don’t realize it was national there is a thump

    And a lift kit with oversized tires and rock runners will keep other doors from dinging the Jeep

  4. Last time we saw Biden ‘drive’ it was in that new electric Ford that had two steering wheels, his was just a toy for show – they already know he is severely lacking upstairs.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    JULY 15, 2021 AT 6:27 PM
    “…My wife would park her Jeep Wrangler as far away out in the parking lot as she could trying to escape asshole door ding gnomes”

    …this is also why I drive only my beater 2004 car to work, it’s a polyethnic, multinational employee base (read: “cheap illegals), most of which don’t have a driver’s license, insurance, or any concept that they should pay for any damage done, and a security force that makes sure the cameras are never working the day someone creases your fender on their way out…

    …seriously, one time they DID catch a foreigner hitting the company van, and, mīrābile dictū, the guy actually had insurance, BUT after security got the details and told the guy they’d be hitting his ins company for it, he then said, “and then you’re going to pay for damages to MY car”?

    Dude was PISSED when they said no, EVEN THOUGH HE DID THE DAMAGE HIMSELF, and they had to call the ACTUAL cops when he went ballistic…

  6. An older couple goes to the doctor and the wife tells him she’s concerned about recent changes with him. After a battery of tests the doc says “It’s either AIDS or Alzheimer’s”. The wife says “what do I do”? Doc says “Let him out of the car about two miles away on the way home. If he makes it home, don’t sleep with him”.

  7. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS JULY 15, 2021 AT 6:53 PM

    As you know…
    Playing rent-a-cop on the weekends is my safe space…
    And the non functioning cameras ain’t our fault!
    The client company is responsible for their functioning and/or repair.

    And why don’t I respond to the radio? I don’t speak Spanish!

    Well my job as thread comment closer is done now…


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