Changing the Term White Male Used in Leftist Anti-White Male Screeds To Jew Changes Everything – IOTW Report

Changing the Term White Male Used in Leftist Anti-White Male Screeds To Jew Changes Everything

11 Comments on Changing the Term White Male Used in Leftist Anti-White Male Screeds To Jew Changes Everything

  1. I have commented here before that if you changed the word Jew (jews or jewish) in the anti-semite petition to white (whites or white male) most college students and nearly every professor would gladly sign it

  2. Somebody could do a parody of the leftist sites with their articles – just find/replace white men/jews. The Onion could do a huge daily neonazi section with this.

    There is another site, not right or left wing, where you could submit news links with your own headline and desciption – sort of like The Bullpen here, but not exactly.

    Anyway, there was a story about these two feral blacks that kidnapped/raped/robbed/murdered a young white couple.

    I submitted it with a headline/description describing the event as two ‘white supremacists’ having kidnapped/raped/robbed/murdered a young black couple.

    The leftists on the site were out in full force howling, hand wringing, there was probably even some weeping, screaming for blood, all white men are evil tirades, etc..

    Then they read the article.

    I think some of them had actual psychological breaks.

  3. One could also replace “white men” with “niggers” or “Ggggrrrlllss” or “womyn of colour” or “mexicans” and the effect would be just as profound – though probably lost on the morons.

    I don’t think these fools have really thought these things through. But then, that’s why they’re fools …

    izlamo delenda est …

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