Chaos Inside GOP House Conference Forces Speaker Ryan to Cancel Thursday’s RyanCare Vote – IOTW Report

Chaos Inside GOP House Conference Forces Speaker Ryan to Cancel Thursday’s RyanCare Vote

Breitbart: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R.-WI) cancelled the anticipated vote on the American Health Care Act—RyanCare—the latest sign that the bill is in a death spiral.

Progress bringing the bill to the floor was stalled out when a compromise reached in principle between President Donald Trump and the chamber’s conservative bloc, the House Freedom Caucus, late Wednesday was not included in to the bill as a manager’s amendment. Manager’s amendments are privilege’s of relevant committee chairmen, who can change the language in a bill without going back to the full committee.

The HFC members accept that the RyanCare bill is not the repeal-and-replace of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that created Obamacare, but they insist that the speaker’s Obamacare rescue bill eliminate the Essential Health Benefits provision that requires a minimum of services in insurance policies, and they want to eliminate the Individual Mandate that RyanCare preserves as a program managed by the insurance companies, not the IRS.

As conservatives gain concessions in the RyanCare negotiations, more liberal Republicans have been dropping out, especially over cuts to Medicaid and a new promise by the president to keep illegal aliens from participating in RyanCare health plans.  more here

29 Comments on Chaos Inside GOP House Conference Forces Speaker Ryan to Cancel Thursday’s RyanCare Vote

  1. “Why were illegals going to be on our dime again? Fuck these RINOs”

    MJA, they had a provision written in the bill specifically denying health care to illegals. the issue was the branch of the government they assigned to monitor and enforce that clause couldn’t do it. So they had to remove it which caused a stink. That was on Breitbart about a week ago.

  2. I totally trust Trump in these negotiations. Totally. He has taken a characteristically good faith approach in his very transparent dealings with all parties (I don’t mean political parties, necessarily). The upshot will be those who are not dealing in good faith will stand out like a sore thumb and in the end, those who stand with the American people will prevail. He won’t go back on his campaign promises.

  3. I know csteventucker makes a strong case for passing this, and I really do look forward to his insight on it. I’m still favor of drawing a line in the sand on this. I just don’t believe we will get anyone to start work on any kind of phase two, much less phase three. Why can’t they put the elimination restricting insurance companies from selling across state lines now? Why are congressweasels trying to protect illegal aliens rights to free health care? Why do I only have 1 health care provider available to me, I’m required by law to buy their shitty policy, the price has more than doubled, and none of my existing doctors are participants in the network that is being force fed to me? I do have health issues, he’ll I’m 60 years old, but I say let this house of cards collapse or negotiate a repeal and allow the market work. I don’t trust congress to do anything except line their pockets and start campaigning for the next election.

  4. @Joe6pack — across state lines now: because there is probably a law or laws prohibiting it. Remember, the insurance lobby has been writing their own legislation from the get-go. They’ve apparently never wanted the competition to be nation-wide.

  5. Joe, you can’t unwind it that fast do to existing policies. The economic recovery is dependent on how fast he can get this pit to bed. The two legs are on autopilot after this first leg is passed. They would be close on votes if the could get the freedom Caucus, who is apparently working for the Koch brothers now. That idiot woman from Alaska LIKES O care. There’s three more RINOs that won’t vote it down. I’m on my phone or I’d track them down for you.

  6. Lisa Mur KOW ski is the dip shit from Alaska. Why she doesn’t switch sides is beyond me. FOX is on right now and they are reporting Rand Paul is busting his ass trying to bring both side together. Trump should pull him into the inner circle asap.

  7. I would think that Trump has dealt with and sniffed out con men and weasels. He sniffed out paul ryan years ago. This is going to be his waterloo. We will get TrumpCare, not RynoCare.

    Not speaker ryan after this, and not congressman ryan after 2018.

  8. Brad, I get all those arguments. All we are doing is putting band aids on a patient that’s bleeding out. I think Trump is as willing to walk from this as I am to see it. As bad as obamacare is, it is not our biggest problem. Debt, unfunded liabilities, national defense are all in critical care mode. If we can’t come to terms on this let it fail, we have a mess on our hands either way.

  9. Joe, your exactly right, Debt, unfunded liabilty, etc. Your a smart Biz guy. How do we get out of this mess? Increased revenue. We need to get this economy cranking. We need to give Trump what he wants. And right now Trump wants passed this and onto tax reduction. But tax reductions won’t do any good if employers are still facing Ocare until it dies on its own.

  10. Brad, I sure wish I knew. I’m proud as hell Trump is in place but we might be screwed. We have no backbone in government and we have tens of millions of voters that can’t wait to vote for the next incarnation of Santa Clause. Just like a drunk, we as a nation might have to hit bottom before we can pick ourselves up. I probably sound like a downer but believe it or not, I’m optimistic.

  11. Me too. But I think there’s a reason Trump left him as speaker and why Trump left Comey as director. There’s a real possibility this shits going to get good. Dr. Keith Abilo (what ever) on FOX today said something to the effect that we are dealing with an intelligence level that’s off the charts. I can’t say I’m 100 percent convinced. But I’m getting there.

  12. BB — It doesn’t even take an extraordinary intelligence, tho it helps that Trump has a 156 or so IQ. What he has that the guys he’s dealing with don’t is a lifetime of hard knocks in the toughest markets in the world. And winning against all the odds makers. Cunning, intelligence, timing. It’s a rare convergence in one guy. Every day I thank the one true God for this grace.

  13. AA, if he’s up to what I think he might be up to, it’ll be epic. But I keep thinking no ones that smart. He very well might be. Remember Ryan offered up the speakers position to him. 6 months from taking office is his time frame. Or I could be dead wrong.

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