Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect – IOTW Report

Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect

Petrus says:

In Chaos Theory, the ‘butterfly effect’ is the name given to the sensitive connection between initial conditions in which an insignificant event in one state of a deterministic, nonlinear systems can result in sometimes catastrophic events in the universal state.

In other words, although unlikely, it is possible for a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas to cause a typhoon in the Japanese Sea later on.

Case in point, in mid-20th Century America , an 18 year old hippie, a freshman in a Honolulu college, had sex with an older, alcoholic Kenyan on a student visa, who had a wife and child back in Africa. And this less than significant event started the collapse and dissolution of the United States of America.


19 Comments on Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect

  1. There was an opportunity for the Chaos effect be negated 3 years later. An unsupervised child named Barry darted out into the streets and a car swerved avoided killing him.

  2. First, who names their daughter, Stanley?

    The butterfly fluttered by and created enough wind and as “her folks” were about to pick Stacey as her name the page flipped over to another page: Boys Names that Start with S.

  3. Of all the millions of sperms which swam up Stanley Ann’s canal that certain one made it to the ovum and joined with it.

    Chaos Theory?


    God’s curse on America for 55 million soon-to-be murdered infants and showing our asses to God claiming that He doesn’t exist and is nothing more than a paternalistic vestige of a long by-gone era and a myth?

    Choose. America is fucked either way.

  4. Barach Hussein Obama has a royal heritage. He was sired by an American whore and a Kenyon degenerate and stewed in a cauldron of anti-American garbage! Later he burned out what little brain power he had through large doses of illegal drugs and incessant mind-numbing theorems on Marxism and perversion by sexual and political devients. Yes, the butterfly certainly did flap its wings and chaos did ensue!

  5. Was Stanley an anthropology student? Was someone an experiment beyond Indonesian anthropology? The false god worship intermingled with sexual dysfunction is interesting. Dabbling in the occult (false gods enter in this) can easily open the door to sexual deviancy. Note the importance of self esteem.

    The inbreeding of muzzies often produces hermaphrodites.

    What the heck kind of upbringing did someone have, or where did he learn his extreme compassion for deviancy.

  6. brilliant post i would say .. too bad for us stanley ann didn’t find the rubber in time ..
    or whatever the prevailing story is at he time.
    me i like the photo
    of obama photoshopped into the nyc picture of grandma & grndpa

    i don’t have a link .. but check it out it’s a pisser ..

  7. Nope. Not franks spawn either. He’s indonesian/arab. I doubt the commie slut stanley ann is even his mother. The daddy is the subud guy. Ties in with loretta fugly, or whatever her name was. Prove me wrong.

  8. There will be a moment, because there always is, and probably long after all of us middle aged folks are engaged in our eternal death naps, where a bevy of the collective 2008-2016 skeletons fall out of the closet and it becomes common knowledge, like the Kennedy pigs poking and killing Norma Jean or the sick witch Hillary Klinton pearl diving Muslim Brotherhood affiliated sister lesbos, where it’s common knowledge that a gay, AIDS infected Manchurian Candididate, “married” to a trannie named Mike Robinson, and coupled with a few teenage female mulatti from central casting, became “The Obamas” and fucked America over forever.

    It was all much less subtle than the flapping of butterfly wings, but we were too busy watching Dancing with the Stars to be bothered.

  9. The light dawned for me in thinking of Stanley Ann. She died of uterine cancer that spread to her ovaries. One wonders if her voracious appetite for brown boys 1/2 her age was a factor.
    Any way, wonder what the chances of Barry, the non-man, dying of uterine/ovarian cancer are? Perhaps that’s why he looks so thin and sickly.

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