Charlamagne tha god Slams Biden for Calling Trump ‘First’ Racist President – IOTW Report

Charlamagne tha god Slams Biden for Calling Trump ‘First’ Racist President


CNS: Nationally syndicated radio host Charlamagne tha God criticized Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for falsely claiming that Donald Trump is the “first” racist to be elected president and went on to label Biden the “Donkey of the Day.”

“I really wish Joe Biden would shut the f**k up forever,” said Charlamagne (Lenard McKelvey)  during his Thursday broadcast of The Breakfast ClubMORE

16 Comments on Charlamagne tha god Slams Biden for Calling Trump ‘First’ Racist President

  1. Charlamagne was a French ruler and he was
    lillie white like cooked chicken meat.Also
    any man that thinks he is a “God” is lost to
    Satan.His voice is so irritating and whiney
    that I listened to about 20 Sec. of his nauseating
    bull crap.When are these negro children going
    to grow up ???

  2. From an AP article in today’s paper: “Biden…makes faith a central part of his persona—often literally wearing it on his sleeve.” (Referring to him carrying his dead son’s rosary) I guess there’s no lie the Dems (and the media) won’t tell…

  3. @ Engelburka Engelburka

    Right statement. This is the second time CTG has called Biden out and from a leftist, it’s music.

    I can hear that GONG SHOW musical refrain, just before the hook appears to capture Hiden Joe.

  4. Guessing, Charlamagne the now Godless, aka Lenard Larry McKelvey, grew up in a Christian home. However, thanks to a atheistic elementary and high school education, as an adult is a mouthpiece for his leftist slave masters.
    He knows better than to support lowlife progressive scum like the demented Biden, but the script that keeps playing in his head is this time a black woman VP, potential president will be his savior. This, after 8 years of Obama and his socialist policies that did nothing for black people – or anyone in this country.
    Somehow, the left is never satisfied.
    Charlamagne the now Godless is like many brainwashed tools of the left, regardless of color – convinced the next Marxist puppet leader will fix it (what isn’t broken) – next time.

  5. “Do blacks all draw ideas from the big book of stupid names?”
    No, gin blossom, they don’t. Most black Americans are not hoodrats named Shanika or Traevon. Charlamagne the god’s birth name is Lenard Larry McKelvey. He may be a BLM Demwit, but at least his parents were traditional Demwits. Also, rappers/singers/DJs/comedians/actors etc. of every ethnicity pick weird stage names because they are entertainers – i.e. Tiny Tim, Flip Wilson, Lady Gaga etc.
    Like all ethnic groups, black people are not monolithic. Don’t get caught up in a manure covered slippery slope of stereotypical bias.

  6. “Juvenile, ignorant response” You didn’t make a point, you made a snotty, infantile statement disguised as a moral lecture. You have very delicate sensibilities don’t you? Get a sense of humor douche bag.
    I’ve been here a few years now and in all that time I’ve never disparaged anyone with only a couple of exceptions and that was after I was attacked exactly like you’ve done. If I find a comment not to my liking I ignore it instead of choosing to be a jackass. Who made you hall monitor?

  7. How does stating my opinion about a comment, make me a hall monitor? I’m free to speak my mind like everyone else on this thread. No, not thin skinned. Just thought your comment lacked accuracy – didn’t find it humorous.

    It may be too late to not turn this into a pissing contest but, I’ve more than likely been commenting on this thread longer than you.

    Just so you know, whether you care or not, it’s imperative President Trump gets as many votes as possible – even from blacks whose names might indeed come “…from the big book of stupid names?” because some of them can see that Democrats are turning their neighborhoods from ratholes into actual burned out shi*holes.

    Why disparage people who just might want out of the leftist plantation. Some have been featured on this site and probably read this blog.

    You can call me all the crappy names you want. BTW. It just speaks to how poorly you communicate – especially with a fellow conservative.


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