Charlie Hebdo – IOTW Report

Charlie Hebdo


French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published Wednesday a provocative front-page cartoon about Islam and the recent terror attacks in Spain, leading to criticism that it risked fanning Islamophobia.

The latest edition of the magazine, which was targeted by Islamist gunmen in 2015, shows two people lying in a pool of blood having been run over by a van next to the words “Islam, religion of eternal peace.

Critics of Charlie Hebdo saw its front-page as tarring an entire religion, practised by around 1.5 billion people worldwide, by implying it was inherently violent.

As the cartoon became one of the top trending topics on Twitter in France, prominent Socialist MP and former minister Stephane Le Foll called it “extremely dangerous”.

“When you’re a journalist you need to exercise restraint because making these associations can be used by other people,” he said.

Charlie Hebdo editor Laurent “Riss” Sourisseau explained the choice in an editorial, saying that experts and policy-makers were avoiding hard questions out of concern for moderate law-abiding Muslims.

“The debates and questions about the role of religion, and in particular the role of Islam, in these attacks have completely disappeared,” he wrote.

Charlie Hebdo lampoons all religions and religious figures, but its depictions of the Prophet Mohammed — an act considered sinful under Islam — led to outrage, death threats and ultimately violence.


16 Comments on Charlie Hebdo

  1. If the media refuses to acknowledge the evil intent of islam, using satire,irony, exaggeration and humor to point out the fallacy of the moderate peaceful intent of islam is effective.
    We all can nod affirmatively and guffaw at the satire while our nation is attacked from within and our fellow citizens die.
    Satire has its place in expression to change attitudes, however, the media and liberal/socialist judges will not be swayed by the majority of American beliefs regardless of the atrocities committed by followers of the false, perverted, murderous non-prophet, mohammad.
    The media and a significant portion of the judiciary are hell bent to implement their progressive anti-American-one world values.
    Turn ’em off, vote them out; they are complicit in spreading the disease of islam, progressivism, socialism, division and anarchy.

  2. “…depictions of the Prophet Mohammed — an act considered sinful under Islam — led to outrage, death threats and ultimately violence.”

    No, not “sinful”. Everything is sinful under islam. Drawing mohammed is blasphemy, which is punishable by death. Which brings us to the “violence”.

    Yahoo!’s muslim minders/editors are to be commended for their exquisite anodyne dissembling.

  3. If Islam is the religion of peace that these people bend over to take it in the ass to defend, then there should be no worries about violence over a cartoon. Well should be no worries about violence at all.

    So lefties, are they unstable monsters ready for somebody to offend them or are they a peace loving bunch?

  4. Shouting “fire!” in a theater when it’s on fire is appropriate and necessary. People should be “phobic” about things which threaten their lives. Doing otherwise is unwise.

  5. OMG! Nancy P. thinks she is Little Red Riding Hood.

    The worldwide news readers are trying to get us all killed, while they cower in a corner and say to islam, “Please don’t hurt us.”

  6. Charlie Hebdo is “inflaming islamaphobia”? I would think the asshole muslim driving his van over “infidels” should have inflamed islamaphobia, if europeans had any testicles left.

  7. These people lecture Charlie Hebdo on the risks of agitating the Religion of Peace? Do these would-be* dhimmis ever listen to themselves?

    *”Dhimmi” means “protected person”. How stupid must one be to believe this kowtowing will buy a second of protection from such savages?

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