Charlie Kirk: What Is Democracy? – IOTW Report

Charlie Kirk: What Is Democracy?


The Washington swamp and its media allies have settled on their line of attack against the new Trump administration, and it’s a tired one: Our democracy is in peril!

It barely succeeded the first time around. But the second time around, it’s going to fall flat.

As I’ve explained more than once on my campus visits, America is not a democracy and never has been; few societies outside ancient Greece have ever been true democracies. Instead, we are a constitutional republic that holds democratic elections.

But let’s grant as a premise that, even if America isn’t a democracy, then our system has democratic features. The next time you run into somebody in the real world babbling about the peril to “our democracy,” I invite you to ask just a few follow-up questions. Starting with this one: “Just what do you mean by democracy?”

Then, be ready with follow-up questions. For example:


6 Comments on Charlie Kirk: What Is Democracy?

  1. There’s a reasom the left infiltrated our schools and taught bullshit black history, gay bullshit, trans bullshit and the like: to avoid teaching history, and avoid young people being able to see how lucky they were to be born in this country.

  2. Of course, the Marxist mob love “democracy” and in it’s purest form, it’s mob rule. A Constitutional Republic is definitely a threat to Democracy which is a good thing.

    The Founding Fathers knew the danger and despised democracy as a primary government system for good reason;
    Long live the Constitutional Republic….yes, if we can keep it.


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