Charlie Rose Interviews a Robot – Business as Usual – IOTW Report

Charlie Rose Interviews a Robot – Business as Usual

7 Comments on Charlie Rose Interviews a Robot – Business as Usual

  1. Put a wig on it and it is Chelsea only warmer looking.

    Finally the ideal interview for liberal MSM; preprogrammed to give all of the answers the liberals want to hear from a conservative and won’t defend itself. Oh wait. We have that already in Ryan, McCinnell and the rest of the gutless, complicit, GOP.

  2. That Was awful. Even with knowing in advance the general outline of possible avenues that questions could take, the best they could get out of it was meandering ambiguous dead-end responses?
    Followed by obvious canned replies. And torturous historic references. Real conversation is a two way affair replete with not only historic cultural references, but sly and almost unnoticeable automotive metaphors and bad puns. Such as pointing out that she is not ready for touring.

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