Chase Bank does about-face, apologizes for Gen. Flynn credit card cancellation letter, says it ‘made an error’ – IOTW Report

Chase Bank does about-face, apologizes for Gen. Flynn credit card cancellation letter, says it ‘made an error’

Blaze– Chase Bank on Tuesday told TheBlaze it has apologized for the credit card cancellation letter that retired Gen. Michael Flynn — former national security adviser under former President Donald Trump — posted on his Telegram social media page Sunday.

Chase’s Aug. 20 letter reads, in part, “we decided to close your credit cards on September 18, 2021 because continuing the relationship creates possible reputational risk to our company.”

Chase Bank also told TheBlaze that “we made an error” in reference to the cancellation letter.

27 Comments on Chase Bank does about-face, apologizes for Gen. Flynn credit card cancellation letter, says it ‘made an error’

  1. No doubt the mistake was made by some lone wolf prize hire by woke HR.

    Hey genius troll at Chase Bank,, you’re not employed by a social media company. You’re employed by a bank, and you’re f—king around with peoples’ MONEY. We put up with the censorship on SocMed, or we don’t play. But at the bank, our money talks, and your bullshit walks. You’re drunk with power. Go home.

    Do better, Chase HR. Fire the clown(s) responsible for this “mistake”.

  2. Oh. I’m sorry I sat down and typed out that letter, sent it to the mail room and told them to send it. What was I doing? I must have been hypnotized or something.

    What’s in your wallet?
    Not Chase or Banco Di Amigo

  3. Unfortunately Southwest Airlines uses Chase.
    I have a LOT of accumulated points through Chase, and at year end they owe me a lot of points.
    So I cannot cancel until year end.
    But I will, unless they eliminate my annual fee and promise to not cancel other Conservatives.
    They will lose a good customer over this.

  4. Chase Bank does about-face, apologizes for Gen. Flynn credit card cancellation letter, says it ‘made an error’

    Translated to say: “Holy $hit! There’s a massive amount of customers closing their accounts and credit cards. We totally *ucked up!” Come back…come back….come back….. NO! Here’s my middle finger!

  5. BTW. As soon as I file for next year’s taxes and my refund goes into my other bank account, I’m CANCELLING these assholes PERIOD. I would have done it last year but then I would have had to ask the IRS to change routing numbers and we all know they like to phuck things up so…

  6. I’ll be shit-canning my Chase cards within a year. It’ll be a pain in the ass, but I’m glad I can put it off a bit longer. If they hadn’t reversed themselves on Gen. Flynn I would’ve done it this week.

    BTW, it isn’t the “Chase” part of “JPMorgan Chase” that rubs me raw as much as the “JPMorgan” part.

    @Goldenfoxx — I’ve done the smaller bank thing, too, since 1997 when I opened my accounts at BB&T. They’re just finishing up their merger with SunTrust and becoming Truist (don’t care for that name). I hope they don’t go all big-banky on me, as BB&T has been quite satisfactory, probably because of long-time CEO Kelly King (good guy). He’s still in charge of Truist, so I’m cautiously optimistic. Maybe I’ll move my credit card business to them, but I’ll have to read the fine print.

  7. A few years ago, some official cunt at Medtronic Minimed’s customer service told a Republican state rep, right on twitter, that she was going to cancel his account and block him from ordering supplies. He’s a diabetic with an insulin pump that was purchased from Medtronic Minimed.
    She actually threatened his life right there in front of everybody.

    The Rep linked her tweet to Medtronic and they said they were looking into it, we don’t allow our employees to… we treat our customers with… blah blah blah…

    No. Was the bitch fired or not?
    So hey, you too, Chase. Was the bitch fired or not?

  8. See what pushback can do?

    Instead of just bellyaching about how the world is going to end, get off your butts and make some calls. Let your influence (as a customer) with these companies dictate policy.

    You have the power in numbers. Use it.

  9. I’ve seen these happen at American Express. One politically motivated, mid-level cubicle cunt made this decision against all company policy. If she isn’t fired and blackballed from the credit industry, then a huge injustice has occurred.

  10. Thanks for warning re link between Southwest and Chase. Trying to replace Alaska Airlines credit card, sick of gay mask Nazis. Chase card will be cancelled as soon as we find a new credit union. Their apology rings hollow. They aren’t sorry they did it, they’re sorry they got caught. Effem.


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