Chauvin Trial: Police Chief Admits Knee Was On Shoulder Blade – IOTW Report

Chauvin Trial: Police Chief Admits Knee Was On Shoulder Blade



Under cross examination, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was asked by Defense Attorney Eric Nelson if he was familiar with the term “camera perspective bias.”

When showed the video of a different angle, from a body camera showing the seconds prior to medical personnel arriving, he agreed that Chauvin’s knee was on the shoulder blade of George Floyd and not the neck. more here

22 Comments on Chauvin Trial: Police Chief Admits Knee Was On Shoulder Blade

  1. Evidence, facts, the law? None of that matters. The only thing that matters is, if Chauvin is convicted, there will be no repercussions. If he is found innocent, cities across America will burn. Incited by the media and the Demmocrats.

  2. Chauvin could be found guilty or shot dead and they’ll still riot. Also Floyd’s Mom isn’t alive but he called his GF Mama. But who cares about actual circumstances and facts. Hands up don’t shoot never happened either.

  3. The only thing these asswipes care about is their own agenda and rhetoric.
    As stated previously….Laws DO NOT matter, the United States Constitution DOES NOT matter….

    These Pieces-Of-Shit have tunnel vision which DOES NOT include white, law-abiding Americans.

  4. The only cities that will burn are the ones with cowardly leaders. People are more prepared, and better armed, than Rodney King days or even last summer. There will be bloodshed for sure, but not everywhere, and less than there might have been.

  5. …I’m SO glad I just got done moving my immediate family out of the mostly Black neighborhood that got flipped over the last 20 years because of Section 8 and downtown gentrification closing the projects out into the country among armed White people before this trial concludes…now I don’t have to spend the evening loading guns and positioning fire extinguishers every time the media tries to whip up a chimpout…


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