Chavismo Kicked to the Curb – IOTW Report

Chavismo Kicked to the Curb

Sean Penn hardest hit.

The opposition sweeps to a clear majority overnight in Venezuela’s National Assembly elections.

Taking 99 of 167 seats (leaving 46 for the Chavistas) the voters of the suffering nation have finally had enough of socialism now that their economy has tanked.


There are still 19 seats undetermined this morning and the opposition will need at least 13 to have a two-thirds majority, which will override failed Socialist president and hand-picked successor to Chavez, Nicolas Maduro.


8 Comments on Chavismo Kicked to the Curb

  1. I predict 20% of the Venezuelan voters will remain die-hard Socialists convinced something outside of the ideology made it fail. They will continue to rail against anything not Socialist regardless of the high prices paid for trying it.

    Like in America where there is a 20% bloc that are die-hard Dems no matter what results they get from having their way. A yellow dog would get their vote before anything not Dem.

    I submit that the world’s population is, at a minimum, 20% retarded.

  2. “[Hugo Chavez] was not only my friend, he was my brother.
    …It’s difficult for a leader like him to exist in these times. His vision for humanity and the world can only be compared to that of leaders like Nelson Mandela. He was a great man and I cried when he died.”
    -Danny Glover

  3. I have a good friend and fishing buddy whose family fled Venezuela because of Chavez. I’m sure he’s glad that the people of his home country have pissed all over Chavez’ movement and repudiated it thoroughly.

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