Check out these racist tweets from one of Biden’s top Whuhan-19 officials – IOTW Report

Check out these racist tweets from one of Biden’s top Whuhan-19 officials

Not The Bee-

So Clarke Humphrey, the Deputy Digital Director for Biden’s COVID-19 Response team, has some interesting tweets in her past…

15 Comments on Check out these racist tweets from one of Biden’s top Whuhan-19 officials

  1. There are two kinds of _______: racists and non-racists.

    Insert the color or ethnic group of your choice and ask yourself if you will tolerate the racists in that group.

  2. So…. If I understand, White people are inherently racist and there is nothing that they can do about it. If it is the case (as we are continually told by those promoting racial unrest) that White people can never change, then embrace it and get on with life.

  3. Ya’ want ta’ know who is most offended by this SHIT it is black people who want nothing to do with these attitudes. I have friends who are absolutely beside themselves right now and are vocal about how they and their families flat our resent being covered with the paint these morons are throwing everywhere when they reject racism and bigotry in all of it’s manifestations.


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