Checking off the days until France will be a Muslim nation – IOTW Report

Checking off the days until France will be a Muslim nation

It’s no joke. It’s not rhetoric.

France is protecting its old trees, but not its old traditions.

Gatestone Institute

  • In the last 30 years, more mosques and Muslim prayer centers have been built in France than all the Catholic churches built in the last century.
  • The Church of Santa Rita used to stand in the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris. A few weeks after Father Hamel was murdered by Islamic terrorists, the French police cleared the church. It is now a parking lot. Police dragged the priests out by their legs as a Mass was being celebrated.
  • In France there are laws protecting old trees. But the state is free to flatten old Christian churches. The vacuums created in the French landscape are already being filled by the booming mosques. Cowardly French authorities would never treat Islam as they are now treating Christianity.


ht/ oolook

14 Comments on Checking off the days until France will be a Muslim nation

  1. … since when have the French protected anything French?

    frankly, if it wasn’t for the US, the Frenchies would have been singing the Horst Wessel Song long ago …. & if it wasn’t for condoms, the French women would have bred a better group of kids from US sperm donors in ’44 & ’45
    c’est la vie ….

  2. I’m not an “end of days” kinda gal. But I told my aunt a while back that I really am beginning to think that the Anti-Christ isn’t a person, rather it is Islam. I believe that is why the anti-Christian Left has joined forces with these creatures. It doesn’t matter that they execute gays or subjugate women. Islam wants to destroy the Church. So these Leftists have aligned themselves with them.

    It just seems pretty apocalyptic to me.

    I can’t conceive of why western nations are letting Islam destroy them. And the only thing that makes sense to me is what controls this is demonic.

    I know. I sound like a crazy “end of days” gal.

  3. Dianny

    There’s certain amount of logic to that. I’ve heard that theory before. I prefer to think of it as round 2 of the crusades. Because I know left alone by our government, they don’t stand a chance.

  4. A tiny little bit sad for me–we lived in France from 60-63 (my Dad was stationed there when there were American military there). I have to say I pretty much hated it and the French (at that time) did protect one thing–their language. If you tried to speak to them, they would ignore you unless it was perfect. Obviously, they didn’t hold that standard since they have embraced Arabic. Au Revoir.

  5. The French allowed the murder of France when their Professional Betters signed the people’s name to the papers canceling the nation of France to become a region of the European Union, and the French people looked past their guillotines, like they weren’t even there.

  6. My dad was in the 7th Army in West Germany from 58-61, he absolutely hated anything French. Good lord he was disgusted by them!

    They get the government they voted for, don’t they?

    Shucky darns phuckas! We ain’t gonna save you this time!

  7. Dianny,

    The AC will be lauded as the ultimate broker of peace…until he isn’t. So Mohammedanism is out. It will be a man, probably a Jew in order to declare himself God.

  8. The ragheads have been calling it “Frangistan” since, what, the 11th Century?

    Napoleon was the last great Frenchman, and he was Corsican.

    izlamo delenda est …

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