Cheerleading 9/11 tribute is labeled crass – IOTW Report

Cheerleading 9/11 tribute is labeled crass

Meanwhile, leftist twits in college can’t tell you what 9/11 was all about.

Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 1.56.01 PMClick image for video or go here for the text story


15 Comments on Cheerleading 9/11 tribute is labeled crass

  1. With everything that is going on now days for someone to have a problem with that is ridiculous. The naysayers can all go to Iran, there will be plenty of like minded, anti-American types there. They will be more comfortable with their comrades.

  2. Crass: lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence.
    Sorry not sure how that word applies. Appropriateness may be a matter of opinion, but since it has been an annual way to mark the date for this school, seems just as appropriate to me as any other way. NEVER FORGET

  3. They got to sing God Bless the USA at school, I don’t need to tell you how many morons didn’t like that. The pompoms spelling USA was a nice touch. Acrobats gonna fly through the air, they did it beautifully.

  4. See the video of the people that don’t know about 9/11….it’ll make you want to puke….my nieces are like that and they were born in 1985 and 1988……27 and 30 years old….full grown….you can’t talk to them about anything because they break into tears ( another flee response)…..Sadly (because of your sacrifice, and may my thanks be immortal) the warriors from Iraq and Afghanistan are gonna shoulder the burden to regain America and save these generations…and the generations to follow…

  5. Maybe I’m just crass, but it brought tears to my eyes. Those students did what they could do to commemorate 9/11. They did a lovely job of it and obviously had put their best into it.

    This is H.S. for crying out loud. Their coach isn’t some high priced choreographer. He/she is probably a science teacher who gets $2K, if that, a year for his/her extracurricular work.

    If they were all ballerinas and did their best to honor our country regarding 9/11 the left would call it crass. If they just stood at attention to the Star Spangled Banner, they would have been criticized also.

  6. It takes a special sort of nit-picking asshole to rip into high school girls for commemorating 9/11 with a cheer routine. Aren’t leftists always whining about “bullies”? Yet, when they get the opportunity, they’re the first to show themselves as the hateful pricks they are.

  7. I live in the county where this high school is and I can tell you that these kids heart is in the right place. Meanwhile, at a nearby town which is majority African-American, the cheerleaders would have been twerking, grinding and humping to the beat of some twisted rap singer singing about ho’s and bitches.

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