Cheetahs Airlifted to India to Start a New Life – IOTW Report

Cheetahs Airlifted to India to Start a New Life


The high-profile project is the first time wild cheetahs have been moved across continents to be released. It has raised questions from scientists who say the government should do more to protect the country’s own struggling wildlife.

The cheetahs – five females and three males – arrived after a two-day airplane and helicopter journey from the African savannah, and are expected to spend two to three months in a 6-square-km (2-square-mile) enclosure inside the park in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. More

18 Comments on Cheetahs Airlifted to India to Start a New Life

  1. RadioMattM SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 AT 12:23 PM

    Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t projects like this usually go wrong — big time?



    Filed under: “When people think they are smart and clever, but aren’t.”

    Huge crossover with the category called “Things Democrats Do”.

  2. @ Wild Bill,
    They claim they’re reintroducing them as they have become extinct in India for 70 years. The idea of filling a missing gap in the ecosystem is not a misconceived concept.

  3. Sarthurk SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 AT 1:11 PM

    @DADOF4, You mean like Solar and wind power? Electric cars? A secure border? Naw, I guess I’m just grasping at straws . . .

    Well, that’s a start, but you’d be writing for days if you tried to list them all.

  4. Since Tiger numbers are dwindling, and Cheetahs are least robust of the big cats, I predict Tigers will eat all the Cheetahs.
    Hindus probably think that’s better than them eating the Hindus.

  5. The article mentions that these African Cheetahs aren’t original, that they should have reintroduced Asian Cheetahs, but they can only be found in Iran now.

    Among those interviewed accuse this of being a vanity project for Indian official and I’m inclined to agree.

  6. Hey Sarthurk, they’re introducing African cheetahs which is a different subspecies than the Asian cats that disappeared. African cheetahs aren’t native to India and they’re not endangered either. The authors. of the story are correct when they say this a vanity project

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