Chelsea Clinton Sets Her Own Ugly Head Up On a Batting Tee – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Sets Her Own Ugly Head Up On a Batting Tee

Ice agents arrested an illegal alien (transgender) while they were getting a protective order for domestic abuse. Chelsea went on Twitter to display her hand-wringing angst, but she conveniently left out a huge part of the story – the illegal alien was deported 6 times before and had a laundry list of crimes in their wake, including assault and false imprisonment.

Leaving lofo readers in the dark she asked,

With her ugly head on the batting tee, someone stepped up to the plate and nailed it out of the park —

Walk off home run.

27 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Sets Her Own Ugly Head Up On a Batting Tee

  1. What was it Sarah Silverman said…”Do neo-nazis not know how to google?”

    Apparently Chulsuh doesn’t know how to google, either.

    And a little advice to Leftie tweeters: Never ask a question on Twitter. Ever. You’re just setting yourselves up for disappointment getting your answers from Twoogle.

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