Chelsea Clinton Wants Ambassadorship to The United Kingdom, But Will Settle for France – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Wants Ambassadorship to The United Kingdom, But Will Settle for France

The Independent

“Chelsea really wants to be the ambassador to the UK,” a Clinton source told The Post. “There’s a reason why Bill and Hillary came out in the first five minutes to support Kamala’s presidential bid — they were currying favor.”

According to the source, the former first daughter, 44, who is vice chair of the non-profit organization The Clinton Foundation, would also be open to the possibility of an ambassadorship in France. More

32 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Wants Ambassadorship to The United Kingdom, But Will Settle for France

  1. She’ll just be emulating the Nazi sympathizer Joseph Kennedy who was the American ambassador to England prior to World War 2. And as screwed up as the new Labor govt. just elected in the UK she’ll fit right in with their socialist left leaning agenda.

  2. At least Lyndon had two, ‘semi-beautiful daughters’ who stayed out of politics. Bill and Hill had a full-on, ugly duck who’s full of her own crap and thinks she’s entitled.

  3. So Heidi Doody wants U.K. ambassadorship? No. If you want a diplo post, I’m OK with that U but it’ll have to be Uzbekistan or Uganda.

    Uruguay is way too civilized for you, Mrs. Ed.

  4. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    SUNDAY, 4 AUGUST 2024, 13:03 AT 1:03 PM
    The hideous cunt belongs in p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶ with the rest of her degenerate family.

  5. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    SUNDAY, 4 AUGUST 2024, 13:03 AT 1:03 PM
    The hideous cunt belongs in HELL p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶ with the rest of her degenerate family.

  6. Maybe Kamala would grant that if she becomes President. But if she doesn’t, Chelsea Clinton might consider the Charles Giteau approach, who was also after the Ambassadorship to France. Now that could be interesting.

  7. The Biden Administration in one of its last acts could make her the Ambassador to the Lost City of Atlantis.

    Joe: Now Ambassador to Shangr-la is the best posting for a diplomat. Nobody gets old there. I think I’ll make Jill the Ambassador to Shangri-la. And I will be there with her and I’ll never grow old and feeble and dementable.

  8. Chelsea Clinton is a dumbell. It’s that simple. And with as little integrity as her filthy mother (remember her 1.5 million dollar wedding paid for by a CHARITY??)


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