Chelsea Clinton’s Tweets Reveal… – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton’s Tweets Reveal…


Her Tweets reveal plenty, except what’s going on with her face…

46 Comments on Chelsea Clinton’s Tweets Reveal…

  1. *shudder*

    You know, I have Lupus. Sometimes I get a big old rash across my face. And, on occasion, I turn a tad yellow. But I will never, EVER, think I look bad anymore. Not after seeing a close-up of Chelsea. Even in the worst flare, I look like a freaking Super Model compared to her.

  2. There is no corroding enduring bitterness like the anger a really funny looking woman about her looks. Poor ol Chelsea. She never had a chance. The usual cure is to develop good character. Think that is going to happen?

  3. It scares the hell out of me when ever I see the name “CHELSEA CLINTON” on a IOTW post. I have a vision etched into my memory of her sitting on the back of a sports fisher swim platform with a red cousin it like creature crawling out of her crotch. Something I will get even for. My therapists says some mental images just won’t fade.

  4. Bad_Brad- I’m always afraid to look at the news because every time her name is on it, I think they’re announcing she’s run for office. Granted, she’ll lose and she’ll be made fun of by the left an right, but I ain’t got extra time for her. Shit.

  5. You know, I never thought she looked like Webb Hubble. I think she just inherited Bill and Hillary’s worst attributes, inside and out. Her childhood brainwashing did the rest.

  6. I suspect that she’s going to run for Congress or the Senate in 2020 unless she’s stopped. What I’d like to know is where is the investigation into the Clinton Foundation going? Where’s the money? Did Bill extract 6 million from the foundation like some net rumours maintain? I hope to hell nobody has backed away from a down to the last paperclip audit of that money laundering, extortion scheme. If a real investigation is completed Chelsea won’t be running for anything except maybe for a job in the prison kitchen.

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