Chelsea Covers for Clueless Hillary: ‘Yes’ Someone with a Beard and Penis Can Be a Woman – IOTW Report

Chelsea Covers for Clueless Hillary: ‘Yes’ Someone with a Beard and Penis Can Be a Woman

Bretibart: Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are making the rounds to promote their new book, The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience, which includes a profile of a man who now is living as a woman and calls himself Danica Roem. Roem has been hailed as the first transgender woman elected as a state legislator.

The Daily Mail picked up on the Sunday Times story that focused on the generation gap between mother and daughter when it comes to embracing the homosexual agenda:

It may appear Hillary and Chelsea Clinton always see eye-to-eye, but in a recent interview one topic cracked the facade of the like-minded mother-daughter power duo.

The one issue Hillary and Chelsea don’t appear to agree on entirely is transgender self-identification.

In an interview with the Sunday Times, journalist Decca Aitkenhead asked the Clintons if someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman, to which Chelsea replied emphatically, ‘Yes.’

But Aitkenhead reported that Hillary seemed “uneasy” about the subject.

“Errr. I’m just learning about this,” Hillary said. ‘It’s a very big generational discussion, because this is not something I grew up with or ever saw.”

“It’s going to take a lot more time and effort to understand what it means to be defining yourself differently,” Hillary said. read more

31 Comments on Chelsea Covers for Clueless Hillary: ‘Yes’ Someone with a Beard and Penis Can Be a Woman

  1. ‘lesbian who doesn’t want to sleep with someone who has a penis is transphobic‘. Maybe Hillary never wants to see a penis again and wants her partners penis free.

  2. This bitch must have had the most fucked up Fisher Price See N Say growing up.

    A dog goes “meow”.

    A cow goes “ribbit-ribbit”.

    A man with a beard and a 10 inch uncircumcised cock goes “I’m a woman” in a lilting falsetto.

  3. The scary thing is that “A woman CAN have a penis and beard ! ” statement was NOT the craziest thing Chelsea has ever said.

    When Hillary s’ Spawn uttered the words:

    ” You can be honest and not take bribes and STILL be a Clinton !!!”

    just the other day, I damn near fell out of my chair !!

    I was standing at the time.

  4. Gin Blossom:

    Chelsea s’ dentist is as AWOL as Michelle Obama s’ estrogen. He should have told her about the power of toothpaste.

    …I wonder how long I would have to not brush my teeth to make them as green as hers.

  5. Gin Blossom:

    Chelsea s’ dentist is as AWOL as Michelle Obama s’ estrogen.
    He should have told her about the cleansing power of toothpaste.

    …I wonder how long I would have to not brush my teeth to make them as green as hers .

  6. “It’s going to take a lot more time and effort to understand what it means to be defining yourself differently,” Hillary said.

    What the hell is the queen of fantasy talking about? She lives defining herself as the president!

  7. Chels, I have both a beard and a penis and I can categorically state you are full of shit. If I ever see an individual you describe as a bearded lady anywhere around my grandkids they will be soon be missing at least one of those “qualifying” attributes.

  8. Name tag on waitron today “My name is Lula – she / her”. Not a dude despite appearances. 12 YO grandson asked if I knew the definition of “Dudette”. He said it’s a piece of poop hanging on a hair of an elephant’s butt.

  9. So, you and your spouse have a baby girl and she grows up to just like Chelsea. When asked, “Can someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman?”, your daughter emphatically says “Yes.”

    As her parents, then what do you do?

  10. Somebody bought her a title (with highest honors sprinkles) in “history”.

    Somebody bought her a title (and had her working the sales floor) in “public health”.

    These same kiosks sell titles in “engineering” and “science”. (Same titles, just different letters in the boilerplate fields.)

    And some people wonder why the new bridges fall down. And the new devices spontaneously combust. (Some people. Smart™ people. Their titles say so. Just like their moms of any gender.)

  11. XX = Female
    XY = Male
    Chromosomes do not lie. Stop lying that a man can become a woman or vice versa.
    If you pretend to be something that you are not; you are just an evil pervert.

    If you announce you have preferred pronouns, I will refer to you as, “Hey… [choose an expletive]!”


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