Cheney Answers Trump’s Charges About Bush Administration and 9/11 – IOTW Report

Cheney Answers Trump’s Charges About Bush Administration and 9/11

23 Comments on Cheney Answers Trump’s Charges About Bush Administration and 9/11

  1. Tear me down all you want.

    Trump was dead wrong about attacking Bush.
    I liked Bush and Cheney. THEY HAVE BALLS.

    Will I still vote for Trump? Yes, but he was out of line.

  2. Golly gee whiz not only was Buuuush President when 9-11 happened but I also understand that Cheney was loitering around
    somewhere in Washington playing the gravitas card!

  3. In the same manner
    we are not running against GWB.

    While I understand the ruffled feather of those who wish to defend GWB on the facts, please consider Trump is using GWB as a cudgel against !Jeb!.

    I forget who mentioned the Thad Cochran scandal in this context, and the analogy is fair up to a point. However, the GOPe and local Mississippi GOP used their tactics about Chris McDaniels directly against Chris McDaniels. Not so here.

  4. There’s plenty of people around who hate Cheney and thinks he ought to be tried for war crimes. I despise the Bush family, and I really don’t see Rubio soaring in the polls. I see Trump holding his own and then some. I wonder how many of those Democrat voters did Trump get onto his side. Trump is no fool, this is why I am voting for Trump. I despise Rubio as much as I do the Bushes.

  5. Why Donald Trump’s vicious attack on George W. Bush was so brutally effective — and brilliant–brilliant

    (snip)Trump’s eye-popping broadsides against the Bush administration far exceeded some kind of coming-out party as a Democrat. Nor were they animated by a longing to merely belittle Jeb Bush or exact juvenile revenge. Rather, they were illustrative of the sweeping but specific theme of Trump’s night and his campaign, revealed with typical deadpan cockiness in his closing remarks.

    “Politicians are all talk, no action.”

    But wait, you say. George W. Bush took lots of action!

    “You’ve seen where they’ve taken you to,” Trump says. “We are [at a debt of] 19 trillion dollars right now […]. We need a very big change.” Because, of course, “we don’t win anymore.”

    But consider the logic within. In a culture where “politics” has become an echo chamber — a vain hall of mirrors installed by the worship of rhetoric and self-regard — true politics, the art and science of victory, is dead. The kinds of action that arise from a corrupt political culture, from the corrupted idea that politics is a game of semiotics first, are, therefore, also corrupted: fake actions, actions without integrity, actions born to lose.

    Trump is saying that, under George W. Bush, the Republican Party allowed its understanding of politics to be corrupted. For whatever reason, under Bush, the GOP became a party that let self-aware rhetorical posturing dictate the way policy was formulated. The result was failure across the board. Worst of all was the ensuing failure of memory as Republicans forgot the winning arts and sciences. In so doing, they enabled America to lose its way in the hall of mirrors — and lose its greatness.
    The typical critique of politics today is that the ruling class has been corrupted by privilege. There’s too much money in politics; there’s too much of a cult of access; the tropes go on and on. Trump’s not saying that. Instead, he’s saying, the ruling class has been corrupted by foolishness. The problem isn’t that “the politicians” have vanished behind the velvet rope. It’s that they’ve vanished up their own rear ends. Obsessed with themselves, they have forgotten who they are. They have lost their way — and ours.

    Hard as it is to stomach or say, that is a kind of wisdom so deep, so populist, and so potent that many conservatives can’t help but flutter toward it. Then again, neither can many moderate or liberal Republicans, which is why Trump performs well across

  6. Rubio is soaring in the polls? Soaring to 20 points behind Trump and tied with Cruz??

    That’s soaring?

    If Jeb! wants to roll out W, then he’s fair game. Now there are a barrel full of things you can criticize W for but responsibility for 9/11 isn’t one of them. However Trump DID NOT say W was responsible, he said he was responsible in part. Isn’t that the truth? Does the buck stop in the Oval Office or not?

    Of course hindsight is 20/20 and there was no need to go there-if Trump wants to needle Jeb! using W, there’s plenty besides 9/11.

    And there was a time when I considered Cheney the best. Granted he’s the guy you want in the executive branch when we’re being attacked but now? Not so much. I was reading his autobiography about a year ago and couldn’t get through it. Much too self serving.

  7. Reagan’s biggest mistake was having Bush as VP. I’m tired of the Bush’s and I am sick and tired of defending them. They are establishment boys who need to just disappear along with the rest of these recycled politicians.
    I’m angry and I am tired of business as usual.
    I am voting for Trump.

  8. Hows come little crooked Neil Bush is not out on the hustings with his fellow bushes? They can’t be ashamed of the little crook could they? And remember first Lady Laura was also first and foremost for homosexual marriage. Must be all that teary compassionate conservatism of the Bushes that continues to shine thru! With such a stalwart family it must needs be be that we need another one in office!

  9. I defended W. like I’m sure many of you here did. For years and years, I carried the Bush water for them. Got in fights with family and friends. Shouted the W-doubters, the haters, down, and sent cash faithfully to the RNC and Rove and all of the GOPe swells.

    Not that Bush ever made supporting him that easy for us. As we all know, he felt no need to explain himself, as he was, in his own words, “The Decider”.

    So The Left was free to smear him, and us, mercilessly, without an ounce of push-back from the Bush Administration.

    Bush, as we know, saw himself as always right.

    So, in his excellent judgement, he gave us more deficit spending than any President, ever, until Barack Obama came along.

    Capital gains reform, Roe v Wade push-back, agency rollbacks, really, anything Republicans ever promise us Conservatives?


    He never even vetoed a spending bill in two terms. Not a one.

    For W. is a “compassionate conservative”. Meaning that, by extension, the rest of us garden variety Conservatives are just meanies, right?

    Compassionate Conservative was always Code for “Uniparty Squish”. Rove laughed his balls off after he coined that one. All hail the Architect, right?

    These Bush assholes spend social time with the Clintons, for God’s sake. They are much beloved, like slightly naughty siblings, according to the Bush clan.

    So then, what did we get from the Bushies? Well, he removed 50% of the population from paying any federal taxes at all. Thanks, George. And a huge lurch forward into the New World Order.

    And he had to defend his Daddy’s failure in closing the deal in Iraq. Shock and Awe, baby. Remember? So there’s that.

    He sold it as fulfilling the Iraqi dream, the dream in every Middle-Easterner’s heart, of making Iraq and the whole of the Middle East into America. Because, as we all know, America can be exported.

    And because we all know how the Muslim heart longs for American Liberty. For religious tolerance. For diversity. For their women, and their children.

    So instead of “Shock & Awe”, we got boots on the ground, passing out lollipops to change “hearts and minds”, and rules of engagement that guaranteed a steady flow of flag-draped coffins being shipped back here.

    We got more Muslim immigration to the U.S AFTER 9/11 than we ever did before, because “religion of peace”.

    We got Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

    We got TARP.

    We got Barack Obama.

    Folks, let’s all figure bout that it’s time to grow up about W, and his whole family.

    I can finally say it.

    George Bush broke the world.

  10. Chief, i agree. I went through similar evolution with Booosh. Him and their Saudi buddies really frustrated me. A buddy and i were discussing Trumps comments about W over lunch, and I told him what i thought of booosh. He sort of agreed, couldnt quite swallow the whole pill, but I could see him coming around.

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