“Cher a brain” doubles down on moronic Georgia lawmaker’s Testicular Bill of Rights – IOTW Report

“Cher a brain” doubles down on moronic Georgia lawmaker’s Testicular Bill of Rights

This is simply embarrassing.

Republicans are not dictating what women do with their bodies. They are saying abortion is murder.

Are all women as stupid as Cher?

I know a Georgia lawmaker is.

28 Comments on “Cher a brain” doubles down on moronic Georgia lawmaker’s Testicular Bill of Rights

  1. You have to admit she plays her mouth-breather base like a Stradivarius. She has more flying monkeys that come to her defense than AOC. Judging from her use of all caps, she should really get her extra large & extra wide pessary fixed.

  2. Are all women? No, but all liberal women are and some conservative women are. On the other side of the coin though on FB I see more men spouting ignorant shit about women’s bodies in regard to abortion than women. It’s sad that the majority are not liberal men, the majority actually are members of the Libertarian party, with a few that claim to be conservative Republicans.

    Something that pisses me off is when a man says abortion is murder, women jump on him and say he’s a man so he has no say in it. When an ignorant man says abortion is a choice women have the right to make with their bodies, those same women applaud them.

  3. Michelle’s Big Beaver, I had to look up passary. It should be noted I hope I never have to write Michelle’s Big Beaver again. Now I have a nightmarish vision of the aging, hideous, tangled, fetid moist fungal cleft lurking between her thighs forever rooted in my mind. I do, however, enjoy expanding my vocabulary. I suppose thanks are in order for that.

  4. I also want women to report when they’re having their period and be forced to yell out “unclean, unclean!” whenever they come within ten feet of a man.

  5. Cher’s body is wound tighter then a snare drum and if she tries to hold in a sneeze she’ll explode like a strawberry jam pinata. She see’s every law as some sort of conspiracy against women that’s somehow trying to drag them back to the dark ages (where even the women back then made better body image decisions then Cher does). Best ignore this tightly packed harridan and wait until she dies. Now that will be interesting.

  6. @Different Tim – I think anon was being sarcastic by calling Chaz Cher’s son. When you’ve screwed up your kid so bad they don’t know what gender they are, I think you should sit down and STFU.

  7. Also it’s a little suspicious that Cher is trying to separate jewish men via having identify whether they are circumcised or not. Somebody else had that idea as well.

  8. No, we believe women have a right to control their bodies. They need to acquire a little self esteem, and tell men that they either need to wear a condom, or be honest about being on birth control, or tell men they will be financially responsible for a child, and just say no if there is a pregnancy risk. That’s the time to be responsible.

  9. Of course, women have the right to control their bodies and they should also have the obligation to pay for and take care of what comes out of their bodies!

  10. We don’t want to tell women what to do to their own bodies. However, we do have a God-given right to tell you that you cannot kill a unique body and individual that is within your body, put there by an action you took to conceive it.

  11. ‘women have the right to control their bodies and they should also have the obligation to pay for and take care of what comes out of their bodies!’
    Absolutely correct!
    Still in litigation with my EX after she stuffed up the commode, intentionally, destroying the place.
    Sorry, I’m so self introspective right now,,,
    F’ Lawyers

  12. So…. Cher agrees with Martina Navratilova that trannies aren’t women?

    You need papers and/or a visual inspection to prove gender…. hmmm….she may be on to something.


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