Cher Tries to Turn Back Time For Herself, Wishes Death to Old Dems – IOTW Report

Cher Tries to Turn Back Time For Herself, Wishes Death to Old Dems

71-year-old Cher donned her “Turn Back Time” outfit from nearly 25 years ago at the Billboard Music Awards and sang of her desire to change the past.  She was at the BBMA’s to receive the coveted icon award.

Her delusional belief that time has stood still for her is not conveyed towards the democrat leadership which she believes is lead by bunch of out of touch old people and who she wants to see die so that “young people get involved with the party.”

More on Cher at the BBMA Here

More on Cher wanting the fossil faction of the Democrat party to go extinct Here

28 Comments on Cher Tries to Turn Back Time For Herself, Wishes Death to Old Dems

  1. Oh my. What a difference 25 years makes.
    Age 46 to 71 is s looooong time.

    I liked her voice, even though she didn’t write her own songs.

    Then she went off the rails somehow. First “Chaz”, then the Crazy PMS Leftist Tweets.
    Weirdly sad.

    I don’t wish her ill, and I won’t rejoice some day to read she’s died.

  2. Catface. It’s a mental illness. They don’t see it when they look in the mirror and have more surgery.

    They scare the shit out of me in person.

  3. Cher is a high-school drop-out. I remember that fact whenever she spouts off on politics, or whenever some “journalist” asks her about her opinion on ANYTHING. Beyond possibly her own music, her opinion on anything is totally irrelevant.

  4. I was at the Monte Carlo hotel in Las Vegas a few months ago – they were giving away tickets to her nightly concerts
    … and not getting many takers

  5. True story.

    Just two nights ago my wife told me she had a dream that she was with Greggggg Allman.

    I said, “Careful, his dong has been in Cher.”

    Her reply: “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

    Me: “Yyyyyyup.”

  6. @Jarhead Cracka May 22, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    > Cher is a high-school drop-out.
    > her opinion on anything is totally irrelevant.

    Chelsuh is glad to hear of your loyalty.

  7. For twenty years, never a good word about Sonny.
    The day after he died she is on all of the talk shows, playing the grieving widow, though he had been married to another woman for ten years.
    Go away Cher!

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