Cherokee Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s Claim To Tribe Is ‘Inappropriate’ – IOTW Report

Cherokee Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s Claim To Tribe Is ‘Inappropriate’

Daily Caller:The Cherokee Nation called Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s use of a DNA test to justify her claim of Native American ancestry “inappropriate” on Monday.

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” the Cherokee Nation said in a statement released Monday. “Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation.” read more


See also:

Obama Campaign Manager Says Warren’s DNA Results Hurt Democrats In 2018.

19 Comments on Cherokee Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s Claim To Tribe Is ‘Inappropriate’

  1. Everyone of the Dems lies, over and over again. Fauxcohontas the Fraudulent was caught out in a lie, spectacularly.
    Glad the Cherokees dismiss this for the fakery that it is; otherwise other pretend minorities will be trying this scam.

  2. When I was growing up…
    My mother had a friend named Betty Jean who was a full blooded Cherokee Indian,
    She had very black hair, dark skin, She looked nothing like loonely Liz Warren.

  3. Babylon Bee reports:

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—After receiving confirmation that she was at least 1/1024th Native American, Elizabeth Warren has embraced her fractional identity. Having gotten an authentic Native American outfit from a costume shop and armed herself with weapons she read on Wikipedia that a Native American might use — such as the tomahawk — Warren stood before a buffalo exhibit in the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian to give a speech to the assembled press.

    “You pale faces have taken my land, and have angered the Great Spirit!” Warren announced as she glanced down at her book of Native American terms. “This theft has angered my ancestors,” Warren continued, though it was unclear if “ancestors” referred to her parents Pauline and Donald or people further back along her family tree. “You will return what is mine, or I will hit you with a wigwam.” She paused to look at her book again. “No, that’s not right.”

    Not all Democrats have supported Warren’s new behavior. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer appeared at the event to chastise Warren. “With all the tight races going on, this is a distraction! Stop it!” Schumer said.

    Warren was undeterred. “Quiet, pale face!” Warren yelled before firing a poorly aimed arrow at Schumer.

    “Aieee! She’s gone 1/1024th savage!” Schumer shrieked before running away.

    Warren was reportedly 1/1024th offended by the 1/1024th insult, which, if one does the math, makes it approximately 1/1,000,000th of an offense — a literal microaggression. Warren and Schumer later apologized to each other and smoked a peace vape.

    President Trump took Warren’s threat seriously, though, and was planning to assemble a cavalry to stop her. He’s reportedly looking for anyone who is at least 1/1024th a cowboy.


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