Cherokees Angry With Elizabeth Warren – IOTW Report

Cherokees Angry With Elizabeth Warren

Minorities aren’t listened to when they have something bad to say about the left.

#MinorityLivesMatter when they’re mouthing the leftist platform. Not so much when they aren’t.


7 Comments on Cherokees Angry With Elizabeth Warren

  1. This is natural for politicians with no integrity, they lie to gain favor and votes. You don’t really find out who or what they are until they vote for self interests, the government and special interests. Rarely do they stand with the people or the Nation.
    Warren and Obama were different, they lied to become eligible for schools they weren’t naturally qualified to attend (one claiming to be Cherokee, one a Kenyan)and used deceit and deception to gain further advantage.
    No Honor, No Integrity, No Way.

  2. You’d think her ‘appropriating their identity’ and parlaying that into a handsome (fraudulent) career for herself in real life, would offend all Native Americans a heluva lot more than a Chief Wahoo mascot.

  3. Locohauntus. What a liberal typical fraud, she is. She gets away with it, because they all have and the elitist club protects and encourages their own.

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