Chevron Gets Its Day in Court – IOTW Report

Chevron Gets Its Day in Court

Courthouse News

This thinking is at the heart of Wednesday’s doubleheader [before the SCOTUS] challenging the authority of the National Marine Fisheries Service to place federal observers on fishing vessels. Commercial fishing companies say the court’s reliance on Chevron has undermined the political process, allowing government agencies to seize authority that belongs to lawmakers and the citizens they represent. 

 “Chevron encourages the executive branch (whichever party controls it) to be extremely aggressive in seeking to squeeze its policy goals into ill-fitting statutory authorizations and restraints,” Paul Clement, an attorney with Clement & Murphy representing Loper Bright Enterprises, wrote. 

7 Comments on Chevron Gets Its Day in Court

  1. If the fishing boat owner/operators are forced by the govt to take on board “inspectors” for voyages longer than a day, then the govt is violating the 3rd Amendment.

    Not to mention all the other stinkin’ violations they’re guilty of.

  2. (Boat captain), “Awww, geee, we lost that Gooberment inspector fellow overboard, he drowned and we couldn’t save him. Too bad. Want me to notify his widder?”

    These things could and do happen ya know.
    Especially with a Gooberment land lubber.

  3. This started with Obama. They tried to this in Maine.
    It failed so that regime limited days each vessel can go out and limited fishing grounds.
    They just about destroyed the fishing industry here. There are a fraction of the boats there used to be.
    China and Japan have huge ships that vacuum the fish up and process it on board though.


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