Chicago anti-police protesters target mayor Lightfoot’s home after her call with Trump – IOTW Report

Chicago anti-police protesters target mayor Lightfoot’s home after her call with Trump

FOX: Hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside the home of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday evening to demand defunding of the city’s police department, according to reports.

The “Logan Square Lockdown,” as it was called, remained peaceful and even jubilant at times with protesters dancing in the street and celebrating at the news that Lightfoot planned to order a statue of Christopher Columbus removed from Grant Park, FOX 32 in Chicago reported. There were no immediate reports of arrests. more here

19 Comments on Chicago anti-police protesters target mayor Lightfoot’s home after her call with Trump

  1. A home made up of thatch and sun baked elephant dung doesn’t provide much security. With any luck she thought ahead and spoke to her witch doctor and had him curse the protesters.

  2. Note how the bent knee of removing the statue of Columbus apparently staved them off for about 6 minutes.

    It might take a little longer for that alligator to get to the Mayor but no amount of acquiesce will satisfy the mob. You might be the last to get eaten but eaten you will be.

  3. Word has it she is not even in her home but staying elsewhere — outside of the city?? So according to Second City Cop, a large contingent of police are guarding an empty home — just property. Doesn’t that mean it’s ok for damage or destruction, after all its “just property”. The city could use the guard forces elsewhere.


    Another shining example why the 19th Amendment needs to be repealed!

    And while we’re at it, we need to repeal the 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th.

    The 26th, which lowered the feddle voting age to 18, needs not only to be repealed but also replaced with one that requires voters in feddle elections to meet the same age requirements as the office they’re voting to fill. That means you’d have to be 25 to vote for a House rep, 30 for Senate, and 35 for President.

  5. @Uncle Al: Voting, drinking, smoking, and drafting age needs to be 21 YOA; regarding ‘the draft,’ no deferments for college. Too, only net tax payers would be allowed to vote, and that vote should be restricted to infantry veterans, army or marines. I’m willing to further entertain restricting the franchise to land owners as well.

  6. Hey scrotesters…If you do manage to break in her house, stay OUT THE LOCKED DOOR TO THE ATTIC. But if you’re fool enough to break down the attic door, DO NOT MESS WITH THE DIORAMA OF CHICAGO.


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