I’m sure this bar would say, if challenged, that they were kidding about nearly everything on this list, except the part about Trump.
26 Comments on Chicago Bar Bans Trump Supporters
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I’m sure this bar would say, if challenged, that they were kidding about nearly everything on this list, except the part about Trump.
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It’s Chicago, they can get away with just about anything. Remember, Obama came from there and got elected twice.
What I get from this is that everyone coming OUT of that bar is a libtard. Smile for the camera!
I’d rather pay top price in an American bar.
only Libtards & White Sox fans …
F*ck those Guys
What He said !!!
Too bad they’re having so many plumbing problems the health department shut them down…
That’s funny as shit, there!
Fag joint?
How much protection money ya figger they’re paying?
Prices are high in Chicago cuz ya have to pay off the Unions, the Mob, and the gov’t maggots (3 separate payments to the same pocket).
Fuck Chicago.
Fuck Hyde Chi (is that the Greek letter chi, Chinese Qi (chi), or short for Shitcago?) – Pretentious assholes.
Fuck Illinois.
izlamo delenda est …
Looks like Nathan Phillips is out on a Rule 4 violation.
If someone walked into that bar with a big rubber dildo on the front of their hat they’d be welcomed with open arms!!
Is this a meeting house for demoncrat KKK?
I wore a Mark Dice Russian Bot shirt to what I refer to as a Hipster Douchebag restaurant. I go there for lunch once or twice a month. They have 25-30 real beers on tap and the food is unique, tasty and fresh, made with shit I’d never normally eat.
The place has the same sort of rule list and the individual bathrooms are labeled, Whichever.
I thought I’d get a few jeers, maybe a stare of disapproval. However, I was surprised when the purple haired, tattooed girl with piercings all over her face. Complimented my shirt, she thought it was funny. Our waiter that day I could have swore was gayer than the day is long. He’s got kids and a wife and he liked my shirt.
I kind of had the people in this place pegged wrong apparently. I think when they add this edgy bullshit to their business model, they’re just trying to appeal to some of the population and not necessarily at the expense of the rest.
Hit the street, Barky. Rule 5.
How about we get a bar “NO DEEP STATE SUPPORTERS” I’m buying…
At least they’re White Sox fans! …and that bar is in Hyde Park where Barky live(s)(ed). Home of the university of Chicago and very near what I still call Comiskey Park.
I’m as happy that they posted their “Rules” as I am happy that there are thousands of drinking holes in Chitcago.
But what makes me most happy is that I have absolutely no reason to ever again go to that city. If the Great Lake Michigan washes it off the maps, meh.
Always glad when I know where I do not need to go. Head on down to Bernice’s Tavern @ 3283 Halstead in Bridgeport. Good Beer, No Rules and it’s run by a guy.
Looking forward to retirement somewhere NOT in Illinois.
If you know chicago and have gone to un-assholish places, let people know. Every time one fool acts up, we should highlight the nicer, decent ones. Even if they run left.
Only wanna see shitcago from 35,000 feet or higher, 550 kts. or faster.
If you hang outside this bar it would be a good place to rob people.
They’re all for wealth redistrubution. and you know they don’t have guns.
Progtards exist only to rule others. It’s great that they are going public so we know who/what they are.
6. No President Trump supporters.
7. Keep it classy and a little sassy.
That’s an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Enough irony to make an anvil.™
Trump supporters can both read and follow rules.
A libtard won’t listen to any rules.
“Bake me a cake!”
As usual morons have it ass backwards.
Its not like I’d spend anytime in a Sh!ithole city like Sh!tcago anyway!
As long as I can depict worthless Hillary as a CUNT, No Shits are given,, bring it on,, Shitccago..
Classy people in Chicago? C’mon, ya gotta be kidding. They can’t even speak English properly.