Chicago Community Organizer Slams Obama – IOTW Report

Chicago Community Organizer Slams Obama

Well, that’s ironic.

“He forgot the community got him where he is.”

Truth Revolt: 

The Chicago community organizers who helped lift Obama from obscurity to the presidency aren’t too happy. It seems that the former president doesn’t seem very grateful. Politico reports that Jeanette Taylor, the education director of the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, is upset that the Obama Presidential Library isn’t committed enough to giving back. In a Q&A event, she took this up with the former president:

“The library is a great idea, but what about a community benefits agreement?” Taylor asked, referring to a contract between a developer and community organizations that requires investments in, or hiring from, a neighborhood where a project is built. “The first time investment comes to black communities, the first to get kicked out is low-income and working-class people. Why wouldn’t you sign a CBA to protect us?”

Obama’s response was terrible:
[SNIP: It always is.]


9 Comments on Chicago Community Organizer Slams Obama

  1. To put a funny spin on that.
    Same thing happened when a millionaire from Texas bought the “Crab Factory”, where Justice Thomas’ mother nursed him while picking crabs.
    People who were full on opposed to “Boy” getting appointed, came out of the woodwork to get a piece of the pie.
    They turned it into a teaching center on the Gullah life, with Justice Thomas as the Horatio Alger hero.
    At least they supported the ungrateful asshole.

  2. Barky was singing a different tune back when he was a hungry hack activist, shaking down big banks for that sweet mortgage redlining loot. Back when he still had his law license. Now, the “dress flat” is on the other foot. Or the chickens have come home to roost, if you will.

  3. Sorry woman, you let a cobra into your house, don’t be surprised when it bites you. It’s just being what it is, no matter how you dress it or shine it.

    There is nothing genuine about the snake obama. He is what he’s always been. Feigning shock isn’t going to gain an ounce of sympathy from those of us who shouted, right from the beginning, SNAKE, SNAKE.

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