Chicago Justice – all charges against Jussie Smollett DROPPED – IOTW Report

Chicago Justice – all charges against Jussie Smollett DROPPED

No words.

73 Comments on Chicago Justice – all charges against Jussie Smollett DROPPED

  1. The only thing that surprises me about this (I predicted it was going to happen) is that it happened this soon and I was expecting it to be at least a year or so down the line after the public attention had turned away from it.

  2. Here is my political take on this; The fish is rotten from the head down. One of these is the real reason;
    1) Shitty police work, evidence was not collected/processed is acceptable form, Miranda was not offered, the cops failed to follow proceedure, the cops somehow screwed up.
    2)The light weight DA did not want a fight on his hands, has no confidence in his own ability to try a case and and is not up to fulfilling his own job description.
    3) The witness, the two brothers, were not credible, has something in their past that lends doubt to their testimony.
    4) The black power cabal in Chicago leaned on the DA, threatened to contest his re election, somehow influenced his decision and made him just walk away.

    One more example that our justice system is irretrievably flawed, one set of rules for the well healed, and another set for the rest of us.

  3. You’re right, Fur. No words.

    Except….POTUS Trump was FULLY EXONERATED of anything having to do with Russian election meddling. LOL! I’ll take that over that bogus walk in Chicago every day of the week.

  4. Then this means the brothers who perpetrated the alleged attack will be charged. Right? I had no personal stake in this, except for the betrayal of the rule of law which is every mans stake.

  5. Anonymous- well, you know what? If the Feds don’t do anything about using the post office for threats, then I’m gonna start mailing threats through the post office every other day. lol.
    And everyone else who was charged with mailing threats can have their cases re-tried.
    How ’bout dah?

  6. I’ll BBL.
    I’m going out to the craft store to get some magic markers, scissors, glitter and glue.
    Then I’m going to Target to get some magazines.
    Oh, am I blabbing my future crimes? That’s okay, if I get into trouble, I’ll use the ‘Jussie Rule’.

  7. A Chicago police spokesman say the arresting officers, the chief, and the police rank and file are furious that the DA wimped out. I suspect “The Ferguson Effect” will take place in Chicago in some form; cops saying ,”Screw this, I’m not putting my life on the line for these ingrates, I will do the bare minimum amount of work and the citizens are on their own”.

  8. I’m watching the live feed from the courthouse on Fox. LOTS of people walking in and out of the courthouse. The only white people I see are attorneys (suits and brief cases) and cops in uniform. Everyone else is a POC. I guess Chicage must be racist, since apparently they only charge colored people.

  9. This is why Chicongo is being shot up daily.

    No prosecutor has the guts to hold yet another black person accountable for their actions.

    Well, at least not until there are the same amount or more of suburban white people committing the same crimes.

    I have intention to spend the next 2-3 years enjoying rural life in Illinois. It would give me time to update my property a little to maximize my return. In the past week, this thought has entered my head randomly a few times.

    Fcuk it, as is, let’s get the fcuk out now!

  10. This dude-lover, who’s black, don’t forget that, walks free. Yet, ‘the hometown’ of the individual who has his personal history locked away can’t get a non-library library built. Oh, and he’s black when convenient. And quite possibly loves the Mikes of the world.

  11. Good thing he’s not a white male. He would have been prosecuted civilly and criminally, probably both local, state & federal statutes.
    I could say most white males wouldn’t have been stupid enough to pull a lame stunt like this, but I’d probably be wrong.

  12. I thought Chicago is MAGA country? I guess only at 2am during an arctic blast.

    I used to use the word “unbelievable” in response to things like this. That word no longer applies.

  13. Well, Chicago just reinforced it’s reputation as the country’s (possibly the worlds) dirtiest city. The corruption goes from top to bottom, from the Mayor’s office to the DA’s, from City Council to the Police Chief’s if you’re rich, famous, gay, black (but to be fair black only if you’re one of the preceding three catagories) you can commit any crime you want and walk away. The son of a bitch didn’t even have to be made to apologize. His actions could have sparked a race riot on the scale of South Central LA (the only thing that saved the city was the freezing weather as bangers don’t like the cold) that would have caused hundreds of million dollars damage and taken who knows how many lives. The Chief of Police ought to resign in protest and a recall started for the DA.

  14. If the Left is so petty and wicked that it will drop charges on a known criminal just to make a political point against a President they hate, just think how monstrously they will pervert the law against all enemies when they gain the absolute power they want.

  15. @ Aaron Burr: “Was there evidence of collusion and/or obstruction?”
    there is now.
    but nothing will be done. Our entire judicial system is broken. It has been bought.
    foxx had recused herself, then announces dismissal. That’s how it works in chicongo

  16. “Feds are still looking…They’d better do something.

    This isn’t OJ Simpson, where they were afraid of burning L.A. to

    the ground.”

    …would it be a BAD thing if they burned Chicago to the ground, @Bobcat?

    …just make sure no one gets OUT when they DO…

  17. “Vigilante justice” is a concept that is predicated on government having a legitimate monopoly on dispensing justice. Legitimacy demands that the government actually make a good faith effort to see that justice is done, without that good faith effort government has forfeit it’s legitimate claim to monopoly on dispensation of justice and the citizenry taking the law into its own hands is not vigilantism when that happens.

  18. Well, the Deep State has obstructed justice once again. BTW, don’t be deceived – no bkack leftist – not even Barry O.,(even though he applauds this kind of crap), has the deep pockets to accomplish this travesty. Wealthy white socialist progressive elites determined to undermine our justice system are to blame. Black leftist tools are always willing to provide cover for their prog plantation owners. The reason for all the black presence at the courthouse.

  19. Doubt fed charges will be severe, if at all carried out. Look for two very stupid Nigerians to “disappear”, either back to Nigeria or another country – running for their lives.
    Juicey will continue to be a complete worthless pile of dung, stinking up everything he’s involved in. Also, if he can’t get more attention after this Kabuki premiere, expect him to escalate the stakes with another scandalous stunt.

  20. More virtue signaling from the Left. If Trump is allowed to be exonerated for fantasy crimes, then real criminal leftist darlings like Juicey get to walk.

  21. That right there, rubbed into your face, is the reason I unapologetically deem, POC, homosexuals, unassimilated immigrants, liberals as BENEATH ME. They are defiant enemies of decency. They see no reason to be lawful. When put in power, they shred all that others have built.

    It Jussie goes unpunished, and blacks generally don’t give a shit and continue to faithfully watch ‘Empire’ and admire the rap lifestyle,
    or worse, some ‘journalist’ asshole tries to tell me what I must think, then I will continue on, ever more certain that these people are indeed SECOND CLASS humans.

    A life without honor is without meaning. Get out of my sight.
    Call me names, kiss my ass. You are not worth any regard from me.
    Just like the neighbors’ dogs: get off my lawn and expect to wear any shit you deposit on it if I catch you.

  22. Per the attorney who let him off: ‘We didn’t exonerate him, we just dropped the charges.’ They don’t consider him a danger, so in exchange for forfeiture of his bond and some community service they are dropping charges.

    Well that’s one way to go, I suppose. Still hoping for federal charges which are much more severe.

  23. Why is this not thought of as


    When anything of the opposite nature
    would be declared so.

    Only white people can commit racism
    that most black big mouths are obviously

    RACIST !

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