Chicago Logic: Don’t Fix The Skyrocketing Murder Rate, Just Use Tax Dollars For Funerals – IOTW Report

Chicago Logic: Don’t Fix The Skyrocketing Murder Rate, Just Use Tax Dollars For Funerals

Blue State Conservative

The latest news out of Chicago…

“The Mychal Moultry Jr. Funeral and Burial Assistance Act was signed into law on Tuesday. It provides up to $10,000 in burial funds for families who lose children under 17 to gun violence.”

In a time of sky-high inflation, every governor is trying to find ways to help the residents of their state. Ron DeSantis is giving Florida residents a months-long tax holiday. Gavin Newsom is giving out free abortions. And JD Pritzker of Chicago is now subsidizing… funerals. more

16 Comments on Chicago Logic: Don’t Fix The Skyrocketing Murder Rate, Just Use Tax Dollars For Funerals

  1. …this is only until our Communist government starvation program kicks into high gear.

    This will be sn unnecessary expense then, as all the dead will be eaten.

    It dey kultur, after all…

  2. “The Mychal Moultry Jr. Funeral and Burial Assistance Act was signed into law on Tuesday. It provides up to $10,000 in burial funds for families who lose children under 17 to gun violence.”

    …less 10% for The Big Guy, if course…

  3. Seein as there’s no such thing as “gun” violence, they’re gonna save a lot of money.
    Guns aren’t violent – people (sometimes) use guns in the perpetration of violence.
    A gun is an inanimate object – a lump of machined steel and plastic – it has NO volition.
    These pathetic clowns can’t help but beclown themselves.
    Sadly, there are even stupider people who take them seriously.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …my guess would be that the modern Democrat Mengeles figure to make a FORTUNE on the gold toofs concession ALONE as they rip them from the corpses prior to sewing their mouths shut, with 10% going, always, to “The Big Guy”…

  5. I truly believe Democrats want their kids to die. Oh well, if we don’t get them aborted and they live and choose to kill each other they done made their mamas some money, and now mamas gone make some more so there, they was good for something.

  6. Toenex
    MAY 23, 2022 AT 1:13 PM
    “You say gun violence. I say violent youth that demand to be respected but refused to be respectable.”

    …Danny Glover in the 1991 movie “Grand Canyon” does an EXCELLENT job of explaining what the dynamic is here…and no, it’s not “Lethal Weapon”, its actually very well thought out, you’ll see…

  7. Free abortions and create a fund to help women pay the expenses of traveling to California to abort their child.
    Must be a lot of $$$ in dead baby parts.

  8. So, 10 grand if your kid dies from “gun violence”, but what if your kid is beaten to death? Too bad? I predict there will be a few family members who put a bullet thru an already dead “loved one”, in order to take advantage of this great deal.

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