Chicago: Man with Pakistani passport and duffle bag breaks into water purification plant – IOTW Report

Chicago: Man with Pakistani passport and duffle bag breaks into water purification plant

(CBS) — Clean drinking water is essential for our health, so when a man with a foreign passport is discovered trespassing in a protected Chicago water plant, the FBI and Homeland security are alerted.

Authorities say Shahroon Augustine entered the Eugene Sawyer Water Purification Plant with a duffle bag, containing a passport from Pakistan.

He was charged with trespassing, then vanished.

“If our water supply isn’t vigorously protected, we as a society could have real trouble,” says Richard Schak, a former Chicago Police official who launched the criminal justice program at National Louis University.

He has studied municipal water systems. read more

12 Comments on Chicago: Man with Pakistani passport and duffle bag breaks into water purification plant

  1. Although it’s a bit ironic for me to say this about a water plant, I’m guessing this was a “dry run” to see how far he could get without being challenged.

    There are many things for which chlorine and other disinfectants have no effectiveness (not to mention the possibility of blowing up the piping system which could create a few weeks of fresh water being unavailable from the tap).

    This jerk should be shipped back to the sand pit he came from and abandoned at least 100 miles from another human being, and given nothing but a shovel so he can dig a well in hopes of gaining a few teaspoons of water before he dehydrates into a small patch of leather.

  2. Between nuclear power facilities and water treatment plants, I would venture a guess that it’s only a matter of a short time until America is fcuked by the Clinton/Bush/Obama immigrants in the USA.

    “It’s 3 am. Do you know where your Moslem neighbor is?”

  3. WHAT IS WRONG with the authorities in this nation? just LET HIM DISAPPEAR? HOMELAND Security needs to be revamped or dissolved. He should have been summarily probed and then deported. Stop being worried about offending some group of pansies…..let them get use to executions for this sort of violations. NICE GUYS finish last in the Terrorist world. SO STOP BEING A NICE PERSON, while they still can.

  4. It has only gotten worse since Bush & Co. invented The Department Of Homeland Security.

    And nice name Dick Schak. Isn’t that the place where Barry sneaks out at night to meet up with Reggie and the boys?

  5. “has had numerous previous arrests. He has pleaded guilty to two separate drug charges in Wisconsin. And last year he was charged with a misdemeanor after Palatine police stopped him with “an ax in the waistband of his pants” and a gym bag containing an expandable baton, duct tape and more.”

    What the hell is he doing in the Country, he’s a convicted criminal, that has served time?
    (The duct tape, expandable baton, and ax…. it sounds like Citizen X.)

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