Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Learns that Eventually, You Run Out of Other People’s Money – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Learns that Eventually, You Run Out of Other People’s Money


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is dealing with a 12-day-old teachers strike that features a contest between the most radical union in the U.S. and one of the nation’s most radical mayors.

It’s not going to end well for her.

When the strike began she told the teachers “there is no more money.” All that did was whet the appetite for battle by the teachers who are now almost certainly going to get almost all of what they want.

Lightfoot is being hit over the head by reality.

Chicago Sun-Times:

“We spent the last 14 hours bargaining today, and we are not close to where we need to be on the big issues,” said Sybil Madison, deputy mayor for education. “We’re going to return tomorrow and work diligently to close the divide.”

Soon after, Chicago Teachers Union president Jesse Sharkey and vice president Stacy Davis Gates said that the union’s most recent proposal asks for an additional $38 million in funds over the city’s last offer.

“That’s the distance that remains between the two parties,” Sharkey said. “We feel like we need to be able to get there.

Sure, why not? It’s only $38 million. And that’s Lightfoot’s problem. The city is facing an $800 million budget shortfall and the union is perfectly willing to exacerbate it. Not their problem and not their money. They apparently don’t see why the city council can’t just slap a few more cents on the dozens of taxes that residents are already paying. Piece of cake. read more

21 Comments on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Learns that Eventually, You Run Out of Other People’s Money

  1. “We’ve spent all the taxes we grabbed.”

    “Too bad. Grab MOAR!”

    “Oh. But that would mean…? Well. You know what, as long as we’re here…”

    “It was for the children!”

    And, it was nobody’s fault. At all. Things “just happen”. For the children.

    The End.

    (Oh you’re still here? You really believed that “The End.”? Well, aren’t you “special”?)

  2. it’s like watching The Wire.

    here is a solution. declare that the kids are not getting educated as is so just fire all the teachers, sell the school buildings and offer each child a a private school voucher.

    kids will get an actual education and the city saves money be getting ride of graft, bureaucratic waste and incompetence. of course the Mayor will be disavowed by the left and suicided by 4 shots to the back of the head and falling a sleep on the Loop track days later.

    Democrat eutophia… just another city on the verge of declaring bankruptcy.

  3. Sad thing is it’s not just liberal cities and states who give in to the teacher mobs who scream for money and if you don’t give them a raise then you hate children, conservative ones do as well.
    Just look at some of the mob strikes across the country, they give in and then they raises taxes on tobacco, gas, income, goods.
    I don’t know why they’re not just told no, like all brats should be told. You know before you go to college to get a teaching degree what the salary is for public school teachers, if you think that salary is too low then choose a different career path.

    Once you give in they come back for more.

  4. Been saying for years that our biggest enemy are the teacher’s unions.

    While they pour absolute garbage into our children’s heads, destroying 100s of years of history, culture and traditions, the unions kick back millions to the dem coffers.

    The multiple “administrators” in the school systems and the union officials making $150-350,000 are fucking parasites, totally useless.

    And the if rank & file were ever subjected to a market clearing price for their pitiful work, they’d be out on the GD street

    There’s a reason property taxes are crushing home owners and it’s spelled AFT & NEA.

    REgressives talk their “choice” smack pretty good when it come to murdering innocent babies but when it means vouchers, they run like the vampires they are seeing the sun coming up.


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