Chicago mayoral candidate wants to rename Daley Plaza for Obama – IOTW Report

Chicago mayoral candidate wants to rename Daley Plaza for Obama

American Thinker: Former Chicago alderman Bob Fioretti is running for mayor in a crowded field and, like most minor candidates, is trying to generate some buzz to jump-start his campaign.  Fioretti held a press conference and jokingly suggested that iconic Daley Plaza – named for  Mayor Richard J. Daley, who ruled the city with an iron fist in the 1960s and ’70s – be renamed in honor of former president Obama.

Fioretti and six other candidates are chasing the frontrunner, Bill Daley, whose father and brother both served as mayor.

Last week, Bill Daley suggested renaming the Dan Ryan Expressway after Obama.  Dan Ryan was a legendary Cook County Board president which, back in the day, was an enormously powerful office.  His family was outraged at the suggestion, leaving an opening for Fioretti.  more here

21 Comments on Chicago mayoral candidate wants to rename Daley Plaza for Obama

  1. Mr Dipshit’s Neighborhood
    Kenyan Kremepuff Korner
    Marxist Muzlim Mallard Mall
    Manchurian Douche-Nozzle Place
    Deserter-Honoring Point
    Jihad-Coddling Plaza
    Jug-Eared Playground
    Peace-Prize Stealing Gardens
    Treasury-Looting Village
    Habitat for healthcare-destroying Whores
    Feckless Fruitloop Plaza

  2. …actually, it’s a good idea for the fact that it’s symbolism so basic, even a Democrat can understand.

    See, Dailey was a corrupt, election-rigging famous liberal Democrat asshat. Obama is a corrupt, election-rigging famous liberal Democrat asshat.

    The difference?

    Dailey was White.

    Obama is Black.

    Many times we have heard the way new wave Democrats joyously proclaim that White will be replaced with Black and Brown in all things. White liberals like to believe it means “all things but THEM”, and that their Whiteness will somehow be tolerated if they are willing to sacrifice OTHER Whites to the PC gods.

    If even such a Founding Father of Democrat sleeze can be supplanted by a low punk like the Kenyan in Chicago of all places, maybe, just MAYBE, it will be obvious to even a White liberal mind that the Soul Train won’t hesitate to run THEM over at the crossing on the way to becoming South Africa North, either, and just POSSIBLY kick in some self-defensive instinct to at LEAST get them fighting among THEMSELVES…

    …I know, faint hope. They’re a pretty oblivious bunch. But I can dream, can’t I?

  3. I forget. Did they name Columbus Circle in New York City, Josef Stalin Circle yet? or are the still working on it? When Allesandria olympia Cortez realizes who is buried in Grant’s Tomb, she’ll want it removed. The Lincoln Memorial will have to go because of the turmoil it caused last Sunday when an old red Injun Chief, Vietnam war hero, (recovering alcoholic, lying motherfucker, lazy, useless piece of shit) was accosted and berated by a bunch of
    Catholic children. It has to go, and with it the Catholic School that created these smirking animals.
    How about that? Think I could work for the New York Times or CNN?
    If I left out what is in parenthesis, I’d be a shooin.
    But I hear they only pay minimum wage these days, and are laying off. What a shame.

  4. Republicans should endorse this proposal. After all, 1,200 democrats were voted out of office because of Obama. Obammie-The-Treasonous-Gay-Kenyan-Commie Blvd. has a nice ring to it.

  5. Name, Call it what you want,
    Barry Soetoro, the greatest Democratic puppet ever elected, was the first time he really had a job.
    Right, because Daley and family in history was such a great name and so meaningful.


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