Chicago mayor’s race debate demonstrates the limits on intersectionality – IOTW Report

Chicago mayor’s race debate demonstrates the limits on intersectionality

American Thinker: As a result of the February 26 primary election in Chicago, voters have the choice between two female black candidates for mayor, guaranteeing a “historic first” female black mayor. The primary was “non-partisan,” aka a “jungle primary,” meaning that the top two vote-getters out of a field of 9 candidates, regardless of party affiliation, face the electorate.

The two final candidates are Toni Preckwinkle, the powerful president of the Cook County Board, and Lori Lightfoot, lawyer and former president of the Chicago Police Board, where she aggressively pursued police misconduct, including the notorious shooting of Laquan McDonald, which may have propelled her to first place in the primary vote.

In the mayor debate last week, something happened to lead candidate Lightfoot to cry “foul!” as the Chicago Tribune reports:

Attorney Lori Lightfoot on Monday questioned why Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle brought up her sexual orientation in response to a question in last week’s Chicago mayoral debate.

Lightfoot, a former federal prosecutor who is openly gay, was asked about Preckwinkle’s answer to a question in which both candidates were asked what they admired about the other, and the county’s leader applauded her opponent’s openness about her sexual orientation. Lightfoot wondered aloud whether Preckwinkle’s response was “blowing a dog whistle” to conservative voters in a campaign where both candidates have been negative about each other.

“Well, look, coming in the context of a clear strategy to be as negative against me as possible, I can only hope she wasn’t blowing some kind of dog whistle,” Lightfoot said.  MORE

18 Comments on Chicago mayor’s race debate demonstrates the limits on intersectionality

  1. “voters have the choice between for mayor, guaranteeing a “historic first” female black mayor. The primary was “non-partisan,” aka a “jungle primary,””

    “two female black candidates…”

    “jungle primary”

    In Chicago.

    …seems apt, somehow…

  2. “blowing a dog whistle” to conservative voters…”

    ….and just WHERE do you find conservative voters IN CHICAGO?!?

    …apart from fake ones in Jussie Smollett fantasies, that is…

  3. “Chicago, voters have the choice between two female black candidates for mayor, guaranteeing corrupt politics continue in city hall, now with a female black mayor.”

  4. guaranteeing a “historic first” female black mayor.

    After seeing how well the “historic first” black president worked out, Chicago voters, even the dead ones, must be extremely excited about this hysterical election.

  5. Two Black Female (one gay) running for mayor in a major city in the USA? How can that be? I was told America (specially Trump’s America) is “racist, misogynistic and homophobic”.

  6. Preckwinkle presented the bill (in the form of a soda tax) for the votes the politicians had to buy years ago.
    Years ago we told them your grandchildren would have to pay for that spending. Those kids grew up quickly.

  7. Whichever one of these pathetic losers wins, she’ll do to Chicongo what the seditious gay Kenyan commie did to America. Not going to end well. Think taxes and crime are bad now? Get out while you can.


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