Chicago PD Arrest 40 Mass Looters – IOTW Report

Chicago PD Arrest 40 Mass Looters


For the last several years, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) has engaged in a policy of “hands-off” as huge groups of hundreds of teens and young adults rampage through neighborhoods looting stores, vandalizing cars, fighting with each other, and even shooting people. But on Sunday, police reversed that policy and actually made dozens of arrests during one such mob scene.

Last weekend, the CPD made about 40 arrests as a large group of teens again targeted an area along Roosevelt Road in the city’s South Loop business district. More

18 Comments on Chicago PD Arrest 40 Mass Looters

  1. So they arrested 40 people. So what? Unless they have a D.A. willing to file charges and a judge willing to prosecute, it means nothing. Frankly, I don’t care if they burn down the whole damn city.

  2. Chicago is the prep-school for Hell.
    One of them, actually – SF, NYC, St. Louis, LA, DC, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, KC, NO, &c., are viable contenders.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Did you see what the new mayor said?
    It’s unfair to demonize these teens?
    This was probably just for show or because a few cops in that precinct got sick of the runaway criminals.

  4. The plan is for the cities to collapse into ruin and the thugs will move out into the suburbs. At that point the stupid libs that voted for this shit will scream for “change” and, presto….communism.


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